Hello, inca o data.
In ultima postare cu rezumatul saptamanii, va spuneam ca abia astept sa va dau o veste...ei bine, unele din voi ati aflat deja...mi-am gasit un job! :) yeeey! Da...in ultima saptamana, de luni pana joi am fost la interviuri peste interviuri (pentru acelasi job) si cursuri, iar vineri am avut un examen si un ultim interviu...si am aflat ca am trecut! Sunt foarte fericita pentru ca m-am saturat sa stau acasa, chiar daca e bine sa nu ai mari griji :)
Hello, again.
In the last post about my week, I told you that I can't wait to give you a good news...well, as some of you already know....I got a job! :) yeeeey! Yes...this last week, from Monday until Thursday I've been on many interviews (for the same position) and classes, and Friday I had an exam and a last interview, then I found out that I passed! You can`t imagine how happy I am because I'm fed up with staying home, even though it's nice not having to many things to worry about :)
Tinand cont ca dupa-masa era destul de cald, am profitat de soare si am facut plaja, impreuna cu Tomita, motanul casei / Considering that in the afternoons it was pretty hot, I took advantage of the sun and got a little tan, spending time with Tomita, the cat