Hello, lovelies!
Sper ca ati avut niste zile minunate! Stiu ca am lipsit de pe blog in ultima vreme, dar va rog sa ma scuzati! :)
Hope you had some great days lately! I know I`ve been missing from the blog lately, but please excuse me! :)
Saptamana 2 - de luni pana joi - am fost in Ighiu, Alba Iulia. Week-endul...relax!
Week 2 - from Monday to Thursday - I`ve been in Ighiu, Alba Iulia. The week-end...full of rest.
as you can see, I`m not skinny / dupa cum puteti vedea, nu sunt slaba
Saptamana 3 - l-am ajutat pe sotul meu in sere, la rosii si restul legumelor, in fiecare zi. In afara de sambata cand am fost la nunta si duminica...pentru ca a fost duminica, ne-am relaxat.
Week 3 - helping my husband in the green house with the tomatoes and the rest of the veggies every day of the week. Except for Saturday when we were at a wedding and Sunday....`cause it`s Sunday, we had a relaxing day
tomatoes / rosii
eggplants / vinetele
at the wedding / la nunta
Saptamana 4 - Pai, saptamana asta a fost plina de drumuri la Primarie, examenul de dupa cursul din Ighiu, ziua de nastere a mamei si ince ceva care trebuie sa ramana secret, deocamdata. :) Dar am cateva poze pentru voi, pentru ca m-am apucat iar sa mananc salate de 2 ori pe zi. :) Deci, aici e mancarea mea, o zi insorita de sambata si un apus minunat. Nimic in sfera nail art, in afara de cumparaturi...dar data viitoare!
Week 4 - Well, this week was filled with errands at City Hall, the exam following the training from Ighiu, my mother`s birthday and some other thing I can`t say, yet. :) But I still have some photos for you, because I started eating again salads twice a day. :) So, here is my food and a sunny day from this Saturday and a great sunset. No nail polish stuff happening, except for buying new stuff....but stay tuned!
can`t wait to get fresh salad and tomatoes from our green house / abia astept sa imi culeg salata si rosii din serele noastre
Sunt sigura ca nu am uitat nimic si sper ca nu v-am plictisit prea tare! :)
Pana data viitoare, va pup!
I know for sure I haven`t forgotten anything, and hope you didn`t get tooooo bored here! :)
Until next time, kisses!
Astept sa dezvalui secretul...si o cultura cat de Bogata =)
ReplyDeleteMultumesc...daca am noroc, la sf saptamanii :)