Last Sunday I decided to do a "Week in Photos" blog post and this is what I came up with.
E sfarsitul zile de luni...unele dintre voi sunt fericite pentru ca mai sunt doar 4 zile pana in week-end :)
Duminica trecuta m-am hotart sa fac o postare " Saptamana mea in fotografii" si asta am reusit sa adun.
Monday I received a phone call from the mayor saying that someone from a national TV station wants to come and talk to me...and I was something like...WHAAAT????WHYYYY? :)
There is a rumor that at the end of the sermon the priest would talk about the benefits of an association between the farmers. And because I am one of the 17 founding members of an association and the only one with a green house, they wanted to talk to here I am, a "star"...( ignore my open mouth...)
Luni am primit un telefon de la primar spunandu-mi ca cineva de la un post de televiziune national vrea sa vina sa vorbesca cu eu eram ceva de genul....CEEEE?????DE CEEEEEE????? :)
Cica ar fi un proiect de lege care propune ca la sfarsitul slujbei religioase de duminca, preotii sa vorbesca despre importanta asocierii taranilor fermieri. Si pentru ca sunt unul din cei 17 membrii fondatori ai unei cooperative agricole si singura cu sere, nu camp deschis sau solarii, au vrut sa vorbesca cu uite-ma aici, o "stea" :) (ignorati-mi gura deschisa...screenshot-ul e de vina)
Tuesday, even though it was a rainy day, I decided to go out and separate my baby-potted flowers from the adult ones. So I took some flower soil and started getting dirty. :) Now I have two beautiful potted plants on the edge of the window. And I took a rose from the garden and placed it on my smells divine!
Marti, desi a fost o zi ploioasa, m-am hotarat sa ies din casa si sa imi separ puii de floare din ghiveci. Si mi-am luat pamantul si am inceput sa ma murdaresc. :) Acum am doua plantute superbe pe pervazul geamului. Si mi-am mai luat un trandafir de dulceata din gradina si l-am pus pe birou...miroase divin!
see, it`s just one rose...but multiple rosebuds :)
Wednesday ... a healthy breakfast and another water marble nail technique is ... well, there is no technique. :) The rest of the day was boring...very was rainy...too rainy :(
Miercuri....un mic dejun sanatos si inca un tutorial cu water marble...tehnica mea fapt, nu am o tehnica. :) Restul zilei a fost plictisitoare...foarte plictisitoare...a fost ploioasa....prea ploioasa :( day and some decoration changes on the desk...
Joi...zi de cumparaturi si schimbari de decor pe birou...
I used this just once, but it works / l-am folosit doar o data, dar e bun
still haven`t used this.../inca nu am folosit crema
I love this glass vase/jar.... / iubesc vaza asta/borcanul asta
Friday I was at an anniversary dinner at two of my friends. They celebrated 15 years of marriage. Happy anniversary! :) And later, at a birthday party at one of our friends. Happy Birthday!
Vineri am fost la aniversarea unor prieteni. Am sarbatorit 15 ani de casnicie. Multi ani inainte! :) Si mai tarziu, la ziua de nastere a unui prieten. La multi ani!
Saturday was....A-M-A-Z-I-N-G! I have three words: I LOVE PLANES! Photos next:
Sambata a fost o zi M-I-N-U-N-A-T-A! Am doar 2 cuvinte: IUBESC AVIOANELE! Urmeaza poze:
rescue helicopter / elicopter pentru misiuni de salvare
the army helicopters saluting us / elicopterele ne-au salutat
the army helicopters saluting us / elicopterele ne-au salutat
And the last day....Sunday :)
the morning started...shower...pedicure...packing! I came in Ighiu, Alba Iulia at a resort as part of a group of study. I`ll definitely come back here with my husband...he`ll love it`s rustic, has a lot of fun stuff...pool...pond...good food....good cakes....good wine...pretty roses :)
Until Thursday 23rd I`ll be here :)
Si ultima zi...duminica :)
dimineata a inceput cu...dus...pedichiura...impachetare de bagaje...aranjat plecarea! Am plecat spre Ighiu, Alba Iulia la un resort ca participant la un curs de competente antreprenoriale. In mod catogoric voi reveni cu sotul meu...o sa iubesca locul asta...e rustic, are o gramada de chestii fun...piscine..iaz...mancare buna...prajitura bun...trandafiri frumosi :)
Pana joi, 23.05 voi fi aici :)
my beautiful house for 4 1/2 days / casa mea minunata pentru 4 zile si jumatate
compliments to the chef... / complimente bucataresei
wonderful roses / trandafiri minunati
I should go to bed now...but not yet...I hear jokes...I must go laugh!
Until next time...kisses from Terra Mythica!
Ar trebui sa ma duc in camera...dar inca nu...aud glume...trebuie sa rad!
Pana data pup de pe terasa Terra Mythica!
Si eu folosesc peelingul cuticular si e tareee bun
ReplyDeleteIar ultima oja Gabrini e tare draguta :P
abia astept sa ajung acasa sa imi fac o manichiura cu noile oje...pentru ca inca nu am reusit :(