May 10, 2013

Cum imi organizez ojele / How I organize my nail stuff

Hello, lovelies! 
Salut, dragilor!

I hope you had a short week and the week-end will be the best you had until now. :) Firstly, I have to say that I don`t have something really fancy to store my nail polishes since I moved in with my husband. At my mom`s, I had a rack made by my father-in-law, but I moved out and let it there and the nail polish collection has grown and it`s not big enough, anymore.
So, I found a place between the closet and the wall. I bought a drawer storage, on top I`ve put some wallpaper on a big piece of wood plank and on top of that I`ve put the other two drawer sets that I already know what I mean, right? :)
Ok, I`ll go on with the pictures, and where necessary, I`ll write a few words. Let`s go!

Sper ca ati avut o saptamana scurta si ca week-end-ul va fi cel mai bun pe care l-ati avut pana acum. :) In primul rand, vreau sa va spun ca nu am un aranjament fancy pentru oje de cand m-am mutat la sotul meu acasa. La mama aveam un raft facut de socrul, dar m-am mutat si l-am lasat la mama si colectia mea de oje a crescut si nu era destul de incapator.
Asadar, am gasit un loc intre dulap si perete. Am cumparat un raft cu sertare, am pus peste el o bucata de lemn invelita in tapet si peste ea doua raftulete cu sertare pe care le aveam de mai mult...stiti ce zic, nu?
Ok, o sa continui cu pozele, si unde va fi necesar, voi completa cu explixatii. Sa trecem la treaba! :))

This was the arrangement at my mom`s and in the drawer beneath I had all the rhinestones, decorations and treatments. / Acesta a fost aranjamentul de la mama de acasa si in sertarul de sub aveam pietricelele, decoratiunile si tratamentele.

My beauty and hobby tower / Turnul meu de beauty si hobby


Green+blue+yellow nail polishes / Oje verzi+albastre+galbene

Treatments+crackle+nail striper polishes / Tratamente+oje crackle+linere

Nude+white+black / Neutre+albe+negre


Purples+reds / Move+albe

Pinks+corals / Roze+corai

Rhinestones+glitters+fimo slices / Pietricele+sclipici+felii fimo


Bonus: on the corner of my desk I have one sunscreen lotion SPF 50 ( I have very light complexion), one lotion for after tanning, so that I don`t get blisters, my new favorite hand cream Atrix, my almost empty nail polish remover and a glass in which I have Q-tips and make-up remover cotton pads.
Bonus: pe coltul biroului am o lotiune de protectie solara cu SPF 50 (am tenul foarte deschis), o lotiune pentru dupa plaja, ca sa nu fac besici, noua mea creme preferata Atrix, acetona mea aproape goala si un pahar in care imi tin betisoarele si dishete demachiante.

What do you want to read next on my blog? Please leave me requests in the comments and I`ll be glad to respond!
Ce vreti sa cititi data viitoare? Va rog sa lasati cererile voastre intr-un comentariu si va voi raspunde cu drag!

Have an amazing week-end!

Va doresc un week-end minunat!


  1. Impresionanta colectia ta!! Se vede ca esti pasionata de oje si nail-art. :)


    1. as vrea sa am si timp sa imi fac unghiile mai des si sa va arat si voua ce imi iese...sper sa ma organizez mai bine si sa pot face tot ce imi propun :*

  2. Cum ai tu cele doua raftulete imi doresc si eu doar ca nu gasesc pe nicaieri. Exact asta caut! Uite cat de bine se aranjeaza in ele. Incap ojele si in picioare?

  3. in raftul cu 4 sertare incap unele oje in picioare, dar nu toate. si sincera sa fiu, nu cred ca sunt rafturi cu sertare atat de inalte.

  4. Wow cate oje! Imi place cum le-ai aranjat!


    1. Multumesc, Deea. :*
      Aici aveam destul de putine aproape 2 ani am mai strans cateva :D

  5. Ce-mi place dulapiorul roz! ♡♡♡

