March 27, 2014

B.O.T.W.: Monica Murphy - One week girlfriend / Iubita mea pentru o saptamana

When I started reading this book, I thought that it will be something simple, nothing too complicated, something new...
Overall, the story is nice.
It's about a college boy/football player named Drew and a waitress named Fable. He has to go home for Thanksgiving for a whole week, to see his father and step-mom and go to the grave of his half-sister, who died a few years back. But things are not that simple with Drew and his step-mom. To make sure that she leaves him alone and his dad doesn't think that he is gay, he thinks that the perfect plan is to "hire" Fable as his girlfriend. For 3000 dollars, Fable says yes to his proposal; mostly because she has to take care of her brother, Owen, who's 13 and her mom, which is a drunk and spends all her money on booze and guys. Since the second they stepped on the family property, Adele, the step-mom, treated Fable like she is just a joke and a replacement of her. Yes, you read right. A replacement of her, because we find out later that she is one of the reasons Drew avoids his home. The boy is somehow a "copy" of Christian Grey, having his dark secrets, being used by an older woman, in this case, Adele. Later on, we find out what the problem is : he thinks that he is guilty for his sisters drowning. But also a few years back, Adele married Drew's dad and tried so hard to conceive. Unable to get pregnant, she seduced her Drew and got pregnant with him. And this is how, Vanessa, his little sister, is in fact his daughter. In this one week, Drew and Fable fell in love with each other and now they try to get over his dark past and move on.
Will they succeed? We'll find out next week, on part 2.

The book is worth reading just because Drew and Fable are such a lovely couple and every day nice things happen between the two of them...

Cand m-am apucat de citit aceasta carte, m-am gandit ca va fi ceva usor de citit, nimic prea complicat, ceva nou, diferit putin...
In principiu, povestea e frumoasa.

In carte e vorba despre un student/fotbalist pe nume Drew si de o chelnerita pe nume Fable. El trebuie sa mearga sa isi petreaca Ziua Recunostintei acasa, cu tatal lui si mama lui vitrega, Adele si sa viziteze mormantul surorii lui mai mici, Vanessa, care a murit acum 3 ani. Dar lucrurile intre el si mama lui vitrega sunt cam complicate. Asa ca se hotaraste sa o "angajeze" pe Fable sa fie iubita lui pentru o saptamana, cat trebuia sa stea acasa. Pentru ca primeste 3000 de dolari, Fable accepta, pentru ca ea e cea care are grija de fratele ei mai mic, Owen, care are doar 13 ani si de mama ei betiva, care isi cheltuie toti banii pe bautura si iubiti.
Din secunda in care au pasit pe proprietatea familiei, Adele se poarta cu Fable ca si cand ar fi ultimul gunoi de pe lume si ca nu e nimic altceva decat un inlocuitor al ei in viata fiului sau vitreg. Da, un inlocuitor al ei, ati citit bine. Asta pentru ca ea este unul din motivele pentru care Drew nu mai vine acasa. El este oarecum, o "copie" a lui Christian Grey, care a fost implicat in relatii cu o femeie mai in varsta, in acest caz, Adele. Mai incolo in carte aflam motivul real pentru care Drew evita casa: se simte vinovat pentru moartea surorii lui, pentru ca nu a stat cu ochii pe ea si a cazut in piscina. Dar si faptul ca Adele a profitat de inocenta lui si l-a folosit pentru a ramane insarcinata. Da, mai tarziu aflam ca Vanessa era, de fapt, fiica lui. Greu de acceptat pentru Drew, dar acesta era adevarul - adevar pe care il afla acum, la 5 ani de la nasterea ei si 3 de la moartea acesteia. Partea frumoasa a acestei povesti, este ca in aceasta saptamana, Drew si Fable s-au indragostit si acum incearca sa treaca peste trecutul urat si negru si sa isi continue relatia.
Vor putea face asta? O sa aflam saptamana viitoare.

Oricum, cartea merita citita pentru ca in fiecare zi, se intampla lucruri frumoase intre Drew si Fable, sunt o pereche atat de frumoasa...

Check out other book reviews, you might find a good week-end read :)

Andra -

Diana -

Gabriela -

Iulia -

March 20, 2014

BOTW: Sandra Brown - Temptation's kiss / Sarutul ispitei

Hi, there!
It's a new Thursday, so we have a new book!
The good news is that today I'm on time...the other good news is that today you will have to read 6 more book reviews. :) We welcome this week Adelina and Alina.

E noua zi de joi, deci avem o carte noua!
Vestea buna nr. 1 de azi este ca ma incadrez in program...iar vestea buna nr. 2 este ca pe langa rezumatul meu, mai aveti inca 6 de citit! Le uram bun venit Adelinei si Alinei.

This time I want to talk to you about Sandra Brown's book - Temptation's Kiss.
De data asta vreau sa va povestesc despre cartea Sandrei Brown - Sarutul ispitei.


It's the story of Megan, a young widow and a workaholic at a television station. On the day before her wedding, she and her fiancee at the time, had a party where James's boss was invited too. The attraction between Josh - her fiancee's boss and her was very intense. At one point, they were alone and kissed. And from that kiss on, everything went south in Megan's heart concerning her feelings for James. 
Josh was engaged at that time, but the day after Megan's wedding, he broke the engagement, telling Laura that he loves a married woman and he can't continue this relationship. He kept the distance from Megan, knowing that she hates him because of the kiss. Megan always blamed him for her husband's death, thinking that he was the one that made James work extra-hours and stress a lot - leading to his heart failure. But after three long years, Josh finds a way to get close to Megan; they are working on the same campaign for a big hotel - Seascape. He tells her that they will be a couple and he can be patient, because the time that she was married was the toughest, not now, that she is single.
After this not-so-small talk, they go for the big opening of the hotel, on a vacation and while she thought she will get her well deserved revenge...she falls back in love with him. The dates they have on the resort and everything, lead to his proposal. What she answered...well, there was no answer, to be honest. Only a big misunderstanding that got between them because they both are stubborn. 
It's a good read, because you can finish it in a day ( a few hours) and it's not's a romantic story with some fireworks.

O avem pe Megan, o tanarar vaduva, o workaholic la un post de televiziune. In ziua de dinaintea nuntii ei cu James, au tinut o petrecere la care a fost invitat si Josh, seful logodnicului ei. Atractia dintrea ea si Josh a fost atat de puternica incat, la un moment dat, ramasi singuri, acestia se saruta. De la aceasta intamplare incolo, Megan isi pune la indoiala sentimentele pentru James.
In tot acest timp, si Josh era logodit, dar se desparte de Laura dupa nunta celor doi, marturisindu-i ca iubeste o femeie maritata si ca nu poate ramane langa ea daca nu ii poate impartasi sentimentul. S-a tinut la distanta de Megan cativa ani, pentru ca aceasta il considera vinovat pentru moartea sotului sau, crezand ca toata munca in afara programului a fost la cererea lui Josh si ca tot stresul a dus la infarctul lui James. Trei ani mai tarziu, Josh gaseste motivul perfect pentru a se apropia de Megan; acestia lucreaza impreuna la o campanie de promovare a hotelului Seascape. Acesta ii marturiseste ca inca are sentimente puternice pentru ea si ca este sigur ca la un momnet dat, ei vor forma un cuplu si ca are rabdare, mai ales ca momentul mult asteptat nu e atat de departe.
Cateva zile mai tarziu, cei doi merg la inaugurarea hotelului Seascape si au parte de o mini-vacanta. Megan a sperat ca in aceasta calatorie se va razbuna pe Josh, dar nu face nimic altceva decat sa se indragosteasca de el. Toate intalnirile lor duc la cererea ei in casatorie. Raspunsul se lasa insa foarte asteptat...O neintelegre ii face pe cei doi sa stea la distanta unul de celalalt, dar pana la urma se intalnesc si isi continua discutia...
Este o lectura usoara, se poate citi in cateva ore/ o zi si nu e genul erotic...e o poveste romantica ce are si putine artificii. 

Check out what other books my friends got for you and your imagination? :)
Eu zic sa treceti si pe la fete, sa vedeti...ele cu ce va vor incanta imaginatia? :)

Adelina -
Alina -
Ana Maria -
Andra -
Diana -
Gabriela -
Iulia -

March 18, 2014

T.P.A.: 26. Glam nails

Hi, everyone!
Apparently I am a very bad girl for not respecting dead-lines. This time it's the nail collaboration. The problem is that I have such dry skin on my hands, it literally hurts. I tried about 10 hand creams/body lotions/body butters/cuticle oil...I am getting better now, so I'm happy!
You can imagine that my idea of glam nails doesn't work on ugly hands, so I painted my nails with Golden Rose Holiday #54 and Essence Colour&Go Sparkle Sand Effect #165 - here's my number and added some rhinestones. And I will come back with a later edit after my hands will be better. 

Salut, tuturor!
Se pare ca sunt cam rea, de vreme ce nu respect termenele limita. De data asta, la colaborarea cu manichiuri. Problema a fost ca mi s-a uscat atat de tare pielea pe maini, incat ma doare. Am incercat vreo 10 creme de maini/lotiuni de corp/unt de corp/ulei pentru cuticule...dar imi revin si sunt fericita!
Ideea mea de unghiute glam nu se prea pupa cu pielea uscata, asa ca mi-am dat unghiutele cu Golden ROse Holiday #54 si Essence Colour&Go Sparkle Sand Effect #165 - here's my number apoi am aplicat cateva pietricele. O sa revin cu un later edit la aceasta postare de indata ce isi revin manutele mele.

I admit, I tried to hide the dryness of my skin, but I have only Picasa at work. :(

What I did for you - because I feel bad for not doing a proper manicure, is to make a selection of my other nail designs that I think are in a way glamorous. 

Recunosc, am incercat sa imi ascund uscaciunile cu Picasa, pentru ca e singurul program care ma ajuta la serviciu.

Dar am facut o selectie cu alte manichiuri de-ale mele care sunt oarecum glamorous.

Now check out my friends and their awesome glam nails:
  1. Rita -
  2. Iulia -
  3. Oana -
  4. Madalina -
  5. Oana-
  6. Mihaela (Ela's Dreams) -
  7. Teo -

March 13, 2014

BOTW: Nona King - My fair princess

This is a special week. Today we welcome Andra in our group :) I think she will review books you'll feel attracted to! 
Now let's move on and hopefully you'll forgive me for not posting last week. I definitely need a tablet.  (Please, Easter Bunny, bring me one...especially that my birthday is on the same time as Easter this year!)
So, because I don't really have time to read from a book, I read on my computer. So if you like this book, you can ask me and I'll give it to you.
It's a romantic fairy-tale. With fairies. The kind with wings :) 

Avem o saptamana speciala pentru ca astazi ii uram bun venit Andrei in grupul nostru :) Cred ca o sa faca recenzii pentru carti pe care sa le adorati.
Hai sa trecem mai departe si sa ma scuzati ca am fost invizibila joia trecuta. Am ajuns la concluzia ca am nevoie de o tableta si sper ca Iepurasul de Paste ma aude si imi aduce una, mai ales ca si ziua mea de nastere cade deodata cu Pastele anul acesta...asa ca no excuses, Iepurasule!
Si pentru ca nu prea am timp sa stau cu o carte in mana, mi-am scos un pdf si il citeam printre gatit, curatenie, munca si orice altceva care nu ma lasa sa stau linistita. :)
Astazi avem o recenzie cu zane. Zane cu aripi...gen Tinker-Bell. :)

So, we have Princess Nia, whose parents arranged her marriage with mayor Shamus O'Neill. She had the impression that the man she had to marry is an old man, but fortunately he's not. The O'Neill she has to wed is a young man, handsome and smart. They met a few days before the wedding and discovered that they have common friends. After the wedding, Nia and Shamus slept in different rooms, not only different beds. Even-though Shay loved his wife, he didn't mean to be rude and force her to anything. The fact that Nia wanted to give it a try and start to love him, proved that she was a good let's face it...this can happen only in fairy tales. She went everywhere with her husband and tried to help him with everything she could. She even asked one of her friends to help when the water was poisoned and animals stopped drinking it...because somehow, the animals knew the water was poisoned... :|   - fairy tales. She started caring more and more for Shay and by doing simple things with him - like helping him shave or him helping her brush her hair, she started falling for him. In the end, they where happy and in love.
It's true, it's not something that wow's you, but it's a good read if you want to change the scenery. 

Asadar, o avem pe printesa Nia, ai carei parinti i-au aranjat casatoria cu primarul Shamus O'Neill. Din cate isi aducea aminte, acesta era un batranel nu prea simpatic, dar spre fericirea ei - cat se putea, a avut norocul sa fie vorba de un nepot al acestuia, un tanar frumos si destept. S-au intalnit cu cateva zile inainte de nunta si si-au dat seama ca au si cativa prieteni comuni. Timpul a trecut, a trecut si nunta si cei doi s-au mutat impreuna, dar dormeau in paturi si camere separate, pentru ca Shay nu voia sa o forteze pe Nia sa il acceepte in patul ei, chiar daca acesta era indragostit de ea. Printesa a facut tot ce i-a stat in puteri sa se indragosteasca de Shay si i-a reusit ... sincer, povesti cu zane. :| L-a insotit pe sotul ei peste tot si a facut tot posibilul sa il ajute cu ce putea, si-a rugat o prietena sa ii ajute atunci cand si-au dat seama ca un rau din care beau animalele apa a fost otravit. Incet, incet, Nia a inceput sa se indragosteasca de Shay - faptul il ajuta sa se rada dimineata sau ca el ii pieptana parul i-a unit pe cei doi din ce in ce mai mult. Pana la urma, au ajuns sa se iubesca reciproc.
Nu e o lectura care sa te dea pe spate, dar e un fel de poveste care iti aduce aminte de copilarie si de basme. E o poveste de citit cand vrei sa schimbi registrul. :)

Now check other books:

Ana Maria -
Andra -
Diana -
Gabriela -

March 9, 2014

TPA: 25.Asian letters

I told some of you that for this manicure I have a surprise! Well, the surprise is that my brother did my nails! :)

Yes, he did! Not everything, only the Japanese part. Let me tell you what and how things went.
I started by applying 2 coats of white nail polish Golden Rose French Manicure White Tip, then with a sponge I applied random patches of pink with Gabrini 309, 310 and Gabrini summer edition M101. On two nails I tried to make some cherry branches using Golden Rose Care+Strong 186 - brown and Gabrini summer edition M101. And my brother wrote on my nails "nail art" with Classics Glamour 178 - black.
Enjoy my brother's writing and my nails!

V-am spus catorva dintre voi ca la aceasta manichiura am o surpriza! Pai, surpriza este ca fratele meu m-a ajutat la aceasta manichiura din nou! :)

Da, m-a ajutat! Nu mi-a facut efectiv unghiile, doar partea japoneza a manichiurii. Haideti sa va spun cum a decurs toata treaba. A aplicat 2 starturi de alb Golden Rose French Manicure White Tip, apoi cu un burete am facut pete de roz aplicat la intamplare (intamplare calculata :) ) cu Gabrini 309, 310 si Gabrini summer edition M101. Pe doua unghii am incercat sa fac niste crengi ce cires inflorit cu Golden Rose Care+Strong 186 - maro si Gabrini summer edition M101. Apoi fratele meu mi-a scris pe unghii in japoneza "nail art" cu Classics Glamour 178 - negru. Sper ca va place rezultatul!

My brother practicing :)

I hope you like my manicure, 'cause I love it!
Sper ca va place manichiura mea, pentru ca eu o iubesc!

Now check other Asian letter inspired manicure:

  1. Oana -
  2. Oana -
  3. Andrea -
  4. Rita -
  5. Iulia -
  6. Madalina -
  7. Teo -

March 2, 2014

TPA: 24. Reciprocal gradient

Yeah...another week, another big fail :))
This is a new technique I haven't tried and one that I will try only if challenged. :)
It was ugly. 
But still, I'll show them to you. Just because I did them.

Da...o alta saptamana, o alta manichiura...un mare esec :))
Degradeul reciproc [ :) ] este o tehnica noua pentru mine si pe care o voi incerca doar daca voi fi provocata.
Nu mi-a prea iesit frumos.
Dar totusi, v-o arat. doar pentru ca am facut-o.

Gabrini top coat
AVON Sunshine
Rimmel London 60 Seconds 440 Sun Downer
Rimmel London 60 Seconds 315 Ready, Aim, Paint!

I was inspired by this tutorial:

Check out other reciprocal gradient manicures here:
  1. Mihaela (Ela's Dreams) -
  2. Oana -
  3. Kinga -
  4. Rita -
  5. Iulia -
  6. Teo-
  7. Oana-
  8. Madalina -
  9. Flori -