It's a new Thursday, so we have a new book!
The good news is that today I'm on time...the other good news is that today you will have to read 6 more book reviews. :) We welcome this week Adelina and Alina.
E noua zi de joi, deci avem o carte noua!
Vestea buna nr. 1 de azi este ca ma incadrez in program...iar vestea buna nr. 2 este ca pe langa rezumatul meu, mai aveti inca 6 de citit! Le uram bun venit Adelinei si Alinei.
This time I want to talk to you about Sandra Brown's book - Temptation's Kiss.
De data asta vreau sa va povestesc despre cartea Sandrei Brown - Sarutul ispitei.

It's the story of Megan, a young widow and a workaholic at a television station. On the day before her wedding, she and her fiancee at the time, had a party where James's boss was invited too. The attraction between Josh - her fiancee's boss and her was very intense. At one point, they were alone and kissed. And from that kiss on, everything went south in Megan's heart concerning her feelings for James.
Josh was engaged at that time, but the day after Megan's wedding, he broke the engagement, telling Laura that he loves a married woman and he can't continue this relationship. He kept the distance from Megan, knowing that she hates him because of the kiss. Megan always blamed him for her husband's death, thinking that he was the one that made James work extra-hours and stress a lot - leading to his heart failure. But after three long years, Josh finds a way to get close to Megan; they are working on the same campaign for a big hotel - Seascape. He tells her that they will be a couple and he can be patient, because the time that she was married was the toughest, not now, that she is single.
After this not-so-small talk, they go for the big opening of the hotel, on a vacation and while she thought she will get her well deserved revenge...she falls back in love with him. The dates they have on the resort and everything, lead to his proposal. What she answered...well, there was no answer, to be honest. Only a big misunderstanding that got between them because they both are stubborn.
It's a good read, because you can finish it in a day ( a few hours) and it's not's a romantic story with some fireworks.
O avem pe Megan, o tanarar vaduva, o workaholic la un post de televiziune. In ziua de dinaintea nuntii ei cu James, au tinut o petrecere la care a fost invitat si Josh, seful logodnicului ei. Atractia dintrea ea si Josh a fost atat de puternica incat, la un moment dat, ramasi singuri, acestia se saruta. De la aceasta intamplare incolo, Megan isi pune la indoiala sentimentele pentru James.
In tot acest timp, si Josh era logodit, dar se desparte de Laura dupa nunta celor doi, marturisindu-i ca iubeste o femeie maritata si ca nu poate ramane langa ea daca nu ii poate impartasi sentimentul. S-a tinut la distanta de Megan cativa ani, pentru ca aceasta il considera vinovat pentru moartea sotului sau, crezand ca toata munca in afara programului a fost la cererea lui Josh si ca tot stresul a dus la infarctul lui James. Trei ani mai tarziu, Josh gaseste motivul perfect pentru a se apropia de Megan; acestia lucreaza impreuna la o campanie de promovare a hotelului Seascape. Acesta ii marturiseste ca inca are sentimente puternice pentru ea si ca este sigur ca la un momnet dat, ei vor forma un cuplu si ca are rabdare, mai ales ca momentul mult asteptat nu e atat de departe.
Cateva zile mai tarziu, cei doi merg la inaugurarea hotelului Seascape si au parte de o mini-vacanta. Megan a sperat ca in aceasta calatorie se va razbuna pe Josh, dar nu face nimic altceva decat sa se indragosteasca de el. Toate intalnirile lor duc la cererea ei in casatorie. Raspunsul se lasa insa foarte asteptat...O neintelegre ii face pe cei doi sa stea la distanta unul de celalalt, dar pana la urma se intalnesc si isi continua discutia...
Este o lectura usoara, se poate citi in cateva ore/ o zi si nu e genul erotic...e o poveste romantica ce are si putine artificii.
Check out what other books my friends got for you and your imagination? :)
Eu zic sa treceti si pe la fete, sa vedeti...ele cu ce va vor incanta imaginatia? :)
Adelina -
Alina -
Ana Maria -
Andra -
Diana -
Gabriela -
cred ca o am si eu ca imi pare cunoscuta coperta.. :D:D
pai ia vezi...o ai? o dai gata rapid, sa stii! :)
Deletete-am pupat!
Subiectul e unul placut, cartile romantice sunt oricand binevenite. Cred ca este o carte usor de citit, cum spui si tu, se citeste intr-o zi :) Te astept si pe blogul meu!
ReplyDeleteda, foarte rapid le citesti :)
Deletebunica-mea are o colectie impresionanta de carti romantice si eu i-o alimentez :).
ReplyDeletesa inteleg ca citesti carti romantice si apoi i le dai bunicii tale? :) bunica mea inca lucreaza si nu cred ca mai are chef de citit :)
DeleteAwww, pare o carte tare draguta :D
ReplyDeleteAm s-o imprumut de la biblioteca dupa ce imi mai micsorez teancul de carti de pe noptiera! ^_^
:) ma bucur sa stiu ce o sa o citesti...spor cu cele care sunt la rand ;)