May 20, 2013

Weekly Photo Diary - week 1

So it`s the end of Monday...some of you are happy...only 4 days remaining until week-end :)
Last Sunday I decided to do a "Week in Photos" blog post and this is what I came up with. 

E sfarsitul zile de luni...unele dintre voi sunt fericite pentru ca mai sunt doar 4 zile pana in week-end :)
Duminica trecuta m-am hotart sa fac o postare " Saptamana mea in fotografii" si asta am reusit sa adun.

May 14, 2013

AVON`s Berry Shimmer

Buna tuturor!
Povestea lunga spusa pe scurt, am fost reprezentant AVON 6 ani, am renuntat, acum m-am intors. Primul cadou pentru noii reprezentanti a fost oja Berry Shimmer si un ruj care se potriveste, Berry Smooch. Oja nu e culoarea mea, dar am incercat-o. Nu se potriveste cu fata nebuna de aici :) asa ca i-am dat-o mamei. O iubeste! Va las cu pozele si manichiura pe care am purtat-o doar pentru o zi! Scuze!
Nu vreau sa supar pe nimeni care are nuanta asta si ii place, e pararea mea si personalitatii mele nu i se potriveste! Scuze inca o data!

Pe data viitoare!

Hello, everybody!
Long story short, I was an AVON reps for 6 years, later I gave up, now I`m back. The first present for the new reps was the Berry Shimmer nail polish and a lipstick that matches, Berry Smooch. The nail polish isn`t my color, but I tried it. Not working for the crazy girl here :)  so I gave it to my mom. She loves it! I`ll leave you with the photos and the manicure I wore for only one day! Sorry!
I don`t wanna upset anyone who has this shade and loves it, it`s just my opinion and my personality doesn`t match! Sorry again!

Until next time!

May 10, 2013

Cum imi organizez ojele / How I organize my nail stuff

Hello, lovelies! 
Salut, dragilor!

I hope you had a short week and the week-end will be the best you had until now. :) Firstly, I have to say that I don`t have something really fancy to store my nail polishes since I moved in with my husband. At my mom`s, I had a rack made by my father-in-law, but I moved out and let it there and the nail polish collection has grown and it`s not big enough, anymore.
So, I found a place between the closet and the wall. I bought a drawer storage, on top I`ve put some wallpaper on a big piece of wood plank and on top of that I`ve put the other two drawer sets that I already know what I mean, right? :)
Ok, I`ll go on with the pictures, and where necessary, I`ll write a few words. Let`s go!

Sper ca ati avut o saptamana scurta si ca week-end-ul va fi cel mai bun pe care l-ati avut pana acum. :) In primul rand, vreau sa va spun ca nu am un aranjament fancy pentru oje de cand m-am mutat la sotul meu acasa. La mama aveam un raft facut de socrul, dar m-am mutat si l-am lasat la mama si colectia mea de oje a crescut si nu era destul de incapator.
Asadar, am gasit un loc intre dulap si perete. Am cumparat un raft cu sertare, am pus peste el o bucata de lemn invelita in tapet si peste ea doua raftulete cu sertare pe care le aveam de mai mult...stiti ce zic, nu?
Ok, o sa continui cu pozele, si unde va fi necesar, voi completa cu explixatii. Sa trecem la treaba! :))

May 1, 2013

Purple & Love

Salutari salutari!
Cred ca pana acum, fiecare din noi am avut manichiura mov...adevarul e ca s-ar putea sa am o miiiiiica problema...IUBESC MOVUL! Uneori prea mult! :)
Acum cateva zile mi-am luat o oja mov mata si m-am gandit sa-mi fac o manichiura cu ea; vazand rosul care ma "privea" de pe birou m-am hotarat sa fac o asa s-a nascut modelul meu!
Bucurati-va de poze si sper sa aveti un 1 Mai minunat!

Hello hello!
I think that by now, almost every one of us had purple nails...the truth is that I might have a smaaallll problem...I LOVE PURPLE! Sometimes too much! :)
A few days ago, I bought a purple matte nail polish and thought I might paint my nails with it; seeing the red nail polish from the desk "watching me" I decided to make a small heart...and this is how the cookie, just kidding. And this is how the nail design was born!
Enjoy the pictures and have a wonderful May 1st!