Ok, I see that you have no intention of leaving me a comment for my book reviews...after finishing my last book ( Danielle Steel - Johnny Angel), I started another book. But because I had a busy schedule, haven't finished it. So I'm writing about a book read a long time ago. It's Deeana Lee - Sweet Surrender.
It's still romance, but erotic romance.
Ok, vad ca nu aveti nici cea mai mica intetie sa imi lasati un comentariu pentru review-urile de carte...dupa ce am terminat ultima carte ( Danielle Steel - Johnny Angel), am inceput o alta. Dar pentru ca am avut un program foarte incarcat si am cazut lata in pat in fiecare seara, nu am terminat-o, asa ca va voi scrie despre o carte pe care am citit-o acum aproape un an. Deeana Lee - Placeri interzise. Carte romanatica, dar erotica in acelasi timp.
Lauren is an artist, she paints...naked male body's and she moves to Boston for a clean start in her professional and personal life. Since she left her town, Lauren had the feeling that someone is following her and soon a thief got inside the hotel room and search through her things. Connor, a sexy man, former military and secret agent, was hired to be her bodyguard. From the first time he saw her, Connor felt some sort of an attraction to her. The house, that the art gallery in Boston, provided for Lauren was hit by thieves. Apparently, in the basement is a safe room, in which the former artist that stayed there hid a very expensive piece of art. From the first robbery 'til the end, there will be casualties, dead bodies, blood and running. But Lauren feels safe in the arms of Connor, the man that is her bodyguard and lover, all together. Believe me, that the hot scenes will make you want to read it again, just to be sure that you read it right. :)
I don't want to reveal the sex scenes, because I might make them boring, so now you'll have to read the book if you are curios.
Lauren este o artista care picteaza...trupuri masculine goale si care se muta in boston pentru ca a fost angajata de o galerie de arta sa isi expuna operele si pentru ca avea nevoie de un inceput nou si in viata personala. De cand a plecat din vechiul oras, Lauren simtea ca este urmarita. Ajunsa la un hotel in Boston, pana cand casa in care urma sa stea era amenajata, tanara a fost jefuita. Galeria de arta l-a angajat pe Connor sa ii fie bodyguard - un fost agent secret si militar. de cand a vazut-o, lui Connor i s-au cam aprins calcaiele dupa ea, desi nu voia sa recunoasca. Dupa ce s-a mutat in casa pe care i-a oferit-o galeria, Lauren a fost iar jefuita. La finalul cartii aflam ca in acea casa, in subsol, a fost ascunsa o opera foarte valoroasa si veche, pentru care hotul a facut orice, pana si crima. Nu te atrage in mod special investigatia pe care o fac politistii, ci felul in care Connor si Lauren se joaca de-a soarecele si pisica. De multe ori, reciteam unele paragrafe sa ma asigur ca ceea ce citeam, chiar era scris, pentru ca te poate soca putin vocabularul. :)
Nu vreau sa va descriu scenele de sex - pentru ca amor/dragoste nu pot sa-i spun ca nu este, asa ca va las pe voi sa cititi cartea sa vedeti cu ochii vostri.
If you are to shy, let me know in a private message what you think about the book...I have more titles for you if you like this kind of books.
Daca sunteti timide, trimiteti-mi un mesaj privat dupa ce terminati de citit cartea si va mai dau titluri, mai am. :)
Check out Ana's book of the week, too.
December 20, 2013
December 12, 2013
B.O.T.W. - Danielle Steel - Jonny Angel/ Ingerul pazitor
Another Thursday, another book.
O alta zi de Joi, o alta carte a saptamanii.
Johnny is a young athlete, in his senior year, a boy that managed to split his time between his family, practice, school and his girlfriend and her family. The prom is here and the party was beautiful, but the road home is not as pretty as it should be. Johnny's car is involved in a car crash and he's the only one that dies. His girlfriend and the other passengers have only minor cuts. The news of his death makes the whole community tremble.
Johnny este un tanar sportiv, elev in ultimul an de liceu, un baiat care isi imparte tot timpul intre familia lui, antrenamente, scoala si iubita lui si familia ei. Balul de absolvire este aici, petrecerea este minunata, dar drumul inapoi acasa nu este la fel de frumos. Masina lui Johnny este implicata intr-un accident si el moare. Iubita lui si ceilalti pasageri scapa cu rani minore. Vestea mortii lui cutremura toata comunitatea.
Before the accident, his family was tearing apart and now they grow even more further apart. Five years ago, Jim - his dad and his younger brother - Bobby were involved in a car crash and the little boy, 4 at the time got so scared that he stopped talking. Since then, Jim drank every day. Charlotte, Johnny's little sister, is a great baseball player, who's only desire is to have her father's approval. Since Johnny died, Alice, his mom, stopped taking care of her and she got admitted with ulcer.
Si inainte de accident familia baiatului era destramata, dar parca acum lucrurile se agraveaza. Acum cinci ani, Jim-tatal baiatului, si Bobby-fratele lui mai mic au avut un accident de masina si de atunci baiatul cel mic nu mai vorbeste. Din acea zi, Jim a inceput sa bea zilnic. Charlotte, fiica mijlocie a familiei, este o jucatoare fenomenala de baseball, care isi doreste ca tatal ei sa o accepte asa cum il accepta pe Johnny. De la moartea sa, mama lui, Alice a incetat sa mai aiba grija de ea si a fost internata in spital cu ulcer.
During her stay in the hospital, she has received a great gift: she got to spend some time in the company of Johnny's ghost. The boy knew that he was sent back to put in order a few things, but he wasn't told exactly what. After he got back, he did miracles: helps Becky to get over his death and fall back in love, helps Pam - Becky's mom, to fall in love and get married, helps Bobby talk again and makes Jim to accept and get close to Charlotte.
In timpul pe care l-a petrecut in spital, a primit un cadou: acum ii poate vedea fantoma lui Johnny. Baiatul stie ca poate sta doar pana isi termina de lasat lucrurile in ordine, chiar daca nu stie inca despre ce e vorba. De la reintoarcea lui, a facut adevarate minuni: a ajutat-o pe Becky sa treaca peste moartea lui si sa se indragosteasca din nou, o ajuta pe mama ei sa se indragosteasca si sa se casatoreasca, il ajuta pe fratele lui mai mic sa vorbesca din nou si il face pe Jim sa se apropie de Charlotte.
On the first Christmas night, Alice and Johnny realize that their time together is up and say goodbye in tears. But not before the boy gives his mom a small box and say to open it only after he's gone. The present was a gift that nobody was expecting, but was received with open heart!
In prima seara de Craciun, Alice si Johnny simteau ca e vremea sa isi ia ramas bun. dar inainte sa plece, baiatul ii da mamei sale un cadou si o roaga sa il deschida numai dupa ce el pleaca. Putin mai tarziu, Alice deschide cutia si vede cadou la care nimeni nu se astepta, dar care a fost primit cu bucurie.
Note: I shed some tears in the end! This is a story full of emotions that gave me lots of goose bumps! I left out a lot of details, so find this book and read it! It's worth the time.
Nota: Am plans putin la sfarsit! E o poveste foarte emotionanta care mi-a facut pielea gaina. Sa stiti ca am lasat pe dinafara o multime de detalii, asa ca va trebui sa luati cartea sa o cititi!
Check out Ana's book of the week, maybe you'll like it!
Sa treceti si pe la Ana sa vedeti cartea saptamanii ei!
Please let me know in a comment what you think about this story! Thank you!
O alta zi de Joi, o alta carte a saptamanii.
Johnny is a young athlete, in his senior year, a boy that managed to split his time between his family, practice, school and his girlfriend and her family. The prom is here and the party was beautiful, but the road home is not as pretty as it should be. Johnny's car is involved in a car crash and he's the only one that dies. His girlfriend and the other passengers have only minor cuts. The news of his death makes the whole community tremble.
Johnny este un tanar sportiv, elev in ultimul an de liceu, un baiat care isi imparte tot timpul intre familia lui, antrenamente, scoala si iubita lui si familia ei. Balul de absolvire este aici, petrecerea este minunata, dar drumul inapoi acasa nu este la fel de frumos. Masina lui Johnny este implicata intr-un accident si el moare. Iubita lui si ceilalti pasageri scapa cu rani minore. Vestea mortii lui cutremura toata comunitatea.
Before the accident, his family was tearing apart and now they grow even more further apart. Five years ago, Jim - his dad and his younger brother - Bobby were involved in a car crash and the little boy, 4 at the time got so scared that he stopped talking. Since then, Jim drank every day. Charlotte, Johnny's little sister, is a great baseball player, who's only desire is to have her father's approval. Since Johnny died, Alice, his mom, stopped taking care of her and she got admitted with ulcer.
Si inainte de accident familia baiatului era destramata, dar parca acum lucrurile se agraveaza. Acum cinci ani, Jim-tatal baiatului, si Bobby-fratele lui mai mic au avut un accident de masina si de atunci baiatul cel mic nu mai vorbeste. Din acea zi, Jim a inceput sa bea zilnic. Charlotte, fiica mijlocie a familiei, este o jucatoare fenomenala de baseball, care isi doreste ca tatal ei sa o accepte asa cum il accepta pe Johnny. De la moartea sa, mama lui, Alice a incetat sa mai aiba grija de ea si a fost internata in spital cu ulcer.
During her stay in the hospital, she has received a great gift: she got to spend some time in the company of Johnny's ghost. The boy knew that he was sent back to put in order a few things, but he wasn't told exactly what. After he got back, he did miracles: helps Becky to get over his death and fall back in love, helps Pam - Becky's mom, to fall in love and get married, helps Bobby talk again and makes Jim to accept and get close to Charlotte.
In timpul pe care l-a petrecut in spital, a primit un cadou: acum ii poate vedea fantoma lui Johnny. Baiatul stie ca poate sta doar pana isi termina de lasat lucrurile in ordine, chiar daca nu stie inca despre ce e vorba. De la reintoarcea lui, a facut adevarate minuni: a ajutat-o pe Becky sa treaca peste moartea lui si sa se indragosteasca din nou, o ajuta pe mama ei sa se indragosteasca si sa se casatoreasca, il ajuta pe fratele lui mai mic sa vorbesca din nou si il face pe Jim sa se apropie de Charlotte.
On the first Christmas night, Alice and Johnny realize that their time together is up and say goodbye in tears. But not before the boy gives his mom a small box and say to open it only after he's gone. The present was a gift that nobody was expecting, but was received with open heart!
In prima seara de Craciun, Alice si Johnny simteau ca e vremea sa isi ia ramas bun. dar inainte sa plece, baiatul ii da mamei sale un cadou si o roaga sa il deschida numai dupa ce el pleaca. Putin mai tarziu, Alice deschide cutia si vede cadou la care nimeni nu se astepta, dar care a fost primit cu bucurie.
Note: I shed some tears in the end! This is a story full of emotions that gave me lots of goose bumps! I left out a lot of details, so find this book and read it! It's worth the time.
Nota: Am plans putin la sfarsit! E o poveste foarte emotionanta care mi-a facut pielea gaina. Sa stiti ca am lasat pe dinafara o multime de detalii, asa ca va trebui sa luati cartea sa o cititi!
Check out Ana's book of the week, maybe you'll like it!
Sa treceti si pe la Ana sa vedeti cartea saptamanii ei!
Please let me know in a comment what you think about this story! Thank you!
December 10, 2013
Getting ready for Christmas - 3 in 1
Hello, lovelies!
This post will have the next three manicures for Elsa's collaboration. If you want to see the work of the other girls, check it out here.
My manicures from today are Under the mistletoe, Red and Gold and Blue and Silver.
I hope you like my designs and check back later for more Christmasy nail art.
This post will have the next three manicures for Elsa's collaboration. If you want to see the work of the other girls, check it out here.
My manicures from today are Under the mistletoe, Red and Gold and Blue and Silver.
This nail design has a short story: under the mistletoe you hug and kiss the one you love and you are happy because he hugged and kissed you back. On the thumb nail I have the image of a sky full of stars and snowflakes, because mistletoe is a winter plant, if I may say so. :)
Products used: Maybelline Colorama, Gabrini Summer Edition M118, Golden Rose Paris 151, Classics Glamour 178, Avon Nailwear Pro Sunshine, Gabrini 3D 02 and Paris Memories 201.
This is just a simple gradient manicure, using Avon Nailwear Pro Ruby Slippers, Golden Rose Care+Strong 143 and Paris Memories 201.
The base color for this manicure is Golden Rose Rich Color 20, over it it's Medusa crackle 03 and top coat Paris Memories 201.
December 7, 2013
T.P.A. - 15. Nautical nails
Even though yesterday we had the biggest snow of the season...a quarter of an inch :) and then melted in half an hour, this week's group challenge was to make a nautical inspired manicure. Apparently, my neurons melted or got short-circuited so I spent the whole week trying to come up with a decent design. And this is what I came up with. Not really one of my best designs, but it works and I'm not missing a theme of the challenge.
Chiar daca ieri am avut parte de prima zapada serioasa a acestui anotimp...cam 5 mm si s-a topit intr-o jumatate de ora, saptamana asta avem o tema nautica pentru unghiile noastre. Din cate am observat, neuronii mei s-au topit sau scurt-circuitat pentru ca mi-am batut capul toata saptamana in cautarea unui model cat de cat dragut. Si asta mi-a iesit. Nu e cel mai frumos model al meu, dar merge si ma bucur ca nu am ratat tema saptamanii.
Check out the other manicures:
Vreti sa vedeti si celelalte interpretari?
Chiar daca ieri am avut parte de prima zapada serioasa a acestui anotimp...cam 5 mm si s-a topit intr-o jumatate de ora, saptamana asta avem o tema nautica pentru unghiile noastre. Din cate am observat, neuronii mei s-au topit sau scurt-circuitat pentru ca mi-am batut capul toata saptamana in cautarea unui model cat de cat dragut. Si asta mi-a iesit. Nu e cel mai frumos model al meu, dar merge si ma bucur ca nu am ratat tema saptamanii.
Check out the other manicures:
Vreti sa vedeti si celelalte interpretari?
- Georgiana - http://rainbowsinajar.blogspot.ro
- Oana - http://wanna-nails.blogspot.com
- Madalina - http://misshappyandhernails.blogspot.ro
- Rita - http://addictedofbutterflies.wordpress.com
Iulia - http://iuliabeldean.blogspot.ro
December 5, 2013
BOTW: Fern Michaels &Cathy Lamb - Holiday Magic/ O dorinta de Craciun
I always loved reading if it was not mandatory. When I was in school, I hated being told what to read, many times I read what others had to say about a book than actually reading it. :) bad girl, I know.
My go to category is romance, but I also like reading chick-lit and crime and mystery. I wrote at the beginning of my blog about two books, The Nearly-Weds by Jane Costello and Poor Little Bitch Girl by Jackie Collins.
Intotdeuna mi-a placut sa citesc, mai ales cartile pe care nu trebuia sa le citesc. In timpul scolii, preferam sa citecs rezumatele cartilor pe care trebuia sa le citesc, pentru ca nu imi place sa mi se spuna ce sa citesc. Sunt o fata rea, stiu.
Imi plac romanele de dragoste, chick-lit si crima si mister. La inceputul blogului am scris despre doua din cartile pe care le-am citit la momentul respectiv, Aproape casatoriti de Jane Costello si Celebritate de Jackie Collins.
Yesterday, I talked with a friend of mine about starting a project for our blogs. A new category called Book of the Week :) and today is the premiere. We decided to write our own summary about our latest read books...romance books. This past week I read Fern Michaels & Cathy Lamb - Holiday Magic.
The book is actually two short stories about Christmas magic and what can happen around this holiday.
Ieri vorbeam cu o prietena despre carti si ne-am hotarat sa incepem un proiect nou pe blogurile noastre. In fiecare saptamana vom scrie despre ultima carte pe care am citit-o si se va numi Book of the Week sau Cartea Saptamanii. Azi e premiera! O sa scriem rezumatul nostru pentru ultima carte citita...de cele mai multe ori, va fi vorba de romane de dragoste. In saptamana ce a trecut am citit o carte frumoasa cu doua povesti de dragoste minunate, iar actiunea se intampla in jurul Craciunului. Cartea se numeste O dorinta de Craciun si este scrisa de Fern Michaels si Cathy Lamb. De fapt sunt doua povesti separate, fiecare scrisa de un autor si puse in aceasi coperta.
Stephanie este mama singura pentru 2 fete - Ashley de 10 ani si Amanda de 7 ani, divortata pentru ca sotul ei o batea de fiecare data cand se imbata, vanzatoare la un magazin cu echipamente de ski intr-un complex turistic. Dupa divort, a fost nevoita sa stea intr-un adapost pentru femeile abuzate cu fetele ei, dar mai incolo si-a gasit un apartament de inchiriat pentru ea si fetele ei cu ajutorul unei bune prietene, Melanie, care era si bona fetelor.Visul ei cel mai mare era sa cumpere o casa cu trei dormitoare pentru familia ei, dar lucrurile nu merg mereu cum ar trebui. Stephanie si seful ei, Patrick au iesit de cateva ori impreuna, dar de la un moment dat, acesta s-a distantat de ea. In urma cu ceva timp, nepoata lui a murit intr-un accident stupid si de atunci el s-a hotarat sa nu se mai implice in relatii pentru ca nu vrea sa sufere din cauza unui accdient. Dar lucrurile incep sa se schimbe cand fetele lui Stephanie se pierd pe partia de ski de langa complex si el este cel care le gaseste pe poznase. Pentru ca erau ude si obosite, Stephanie inchide magazinul si vrea sa le duca pe fete acasa, dar Patrick o anunta ca poate sta o luna acasa, in concediu fara salar.Mai tarziu, in aceasi zi, and fetele vor sa vada aprindere luminilor pe pomul de Craciun din oras, Patrick este cel care le urca intr-o cabina de macara si le ofera o priveliste minunata a pomului de Craciun, crezand ca poate sa isi ceara scuze de la Stephanie, dar aceasta nu il prea baga in seama. Faptul ca ea a ramas somera o luna, insemna ca isi poate pierde imprumutul de la banca si nu isi va putea achita avansul pentru casa mult visata. Dar Ajunul Craciunului o prinde in compania lui Patrick si Mos Craciun ii face cadou actul de proprietate al casei pe care si-o dorea. Cine e Mosul? Nu va pot spune...cititi cartea. ;)
My go to category is romance, but I also like reading chick-lit and crime and mystery. I wrote at the beginning of my blog about two books, The Nearly-Weds by Jane Costello and Poor Little Bitch Girl by Jackie Collins.
Intotdeuna mi-a placut sa citesc, mai ales cartile pe care nu trebuia sa le citesc. In timpul scolii, preferam sa citecs rezumatele cartilor pe care trebuia sa le citesc, pentru ca nu imi place sa mi se spuna ce sa citesc. Sunt o fata rea, stiu.
Imi plac romanele de dragoste, chick-lit si crima si mister. La inceputul blogului am scris despre doua din cartile pe care le-am citit la momentul respectiv, Aproape casatoriti de Jane Costello si Celebritate de Jackie Collins.
Yesterday, I talked with a friend of mine about starting a project for our blogs. A new category called Book of the Week :) and today is the premiere. We decided to write our own summary about our latest read books...romance books. This past week I read Fern Michaels & Cathy Lamb - Holiday Magic.
The book is actually two short stories about Christmas magic and what can happen around this holiday.
Ieri vorbeam cu o prietena despre carti si ne-am hotarat sa incepem un proiect nou pe blogurile noastre. In fiecare saptamana vom scrie despre ultima carte pe care am citit-o si se va numi Book of the Week sau Cartea Saptamanii. Azi e premiera! O sa scriem rezumatul nostru pentru ultima carte citita...de cele mai multe ori, va fi vorba de romane de dragoste. In saptamana ce a trecut am citit o carte frumoasa cu doua povesti de dragoste minunate, iar actiunea se intampla in jurul Craciunului. Cartea se numeste O dorinta de Craciun si este scrisa de Fern Michaels si Cathy Lamb. De fapt sunt doua povesti separate, fiecare scrisa de un autor si puse in aceasi coperta.
Part 1 - Holiday Magic by Fern Michaels
Stephanie, a single mom of two lovely girls-Ashley 10 years old and Amanda 7 years old, divorced her husband because of the abused caused by alcohol, works in a shop that sells ski equipment. After divorcing her husband, she had to stay in a shelter for abused victims with her daughters until she could afford rent. She found a small apartment through a dear friend of hers, Melanie, who was the girls babysitter, as well. Her biggest dream is to buy a house with three bedrooms for her family, but things won't always go as planned. Her boss, Patrick, asked Stephanie out a few times, but when he started having feelings for her, he chickened out. A few years ago, his niece died because of a stupid accident and since then he was afraid of committing because anytime can happen something bad. He was not going to get committed in a relationship.
But everything starts to change the day that Stephanie's daughters get lost on the ski slope near the shop. Everybody was looking for the girls, including Stephanie, Melanie, the police and the mountain rescuers, but the one that found them was Patrick. The same day, there was the ceremony of the Christmas tree in their town and the girls wanted to see the lights turning on the tree. Of course, when Stephanie and her daughters arrived, Patrick was there and he helped them see the light from higher ground, with the help of a crane. Earlier that day, Stephanie and Patrick got in fight because she closed the shop earlier to take the girls back home and Patrick let her stay home for a hole month without a paycheck. This meant that she couldn't get the load from the bank and she can't buy the house anymore.
On Christmas Eve, she has Patrick by her side and the deed of the house in her hand. Secret Santa you might say...or Christmas Magic. Find out the details I left out, it would take about two hours to read this part :) A bed-time story for happy dreams!
Stephanie este mama singura pentru 2 fete - Ashley de 10 ani si Amanda de 7 ani, divortata pentru ca sotul ei o batea de fiecare data cand se imbata, vanzatoare la un magazin cu echipamente de ski intr-un complex turistic. Dupa divort, a fost nevoita sa stea intr-un adapost pentru femeile abuzate cu fetele ei, dar mai incolo si-a gasit un apartament de inchiriat pentru ea si fetele ei cu ajutorul unei bune prietene, Melanie, care era si bona fetelor.Visul ei cel mai mare era sa cumpere o casa cu trei dormitoare pentru familia ei, dar lucrurile nu merg mereu cum ar trebui. Stephanie si seful ei, Patrick au iesit de cateva ori impreuna, dar de la un moment dat, acesta s-a distantat de ea. In urma cu ceva timp, nepoata lui a murit intr-un accident stupid si de atunci el s-a hotarat sa nu se mai implice in relatii pentru ca nu vrea sa sufere din cauza unui accdient. Dar lucrurile incep sa se schimbe cand fetele lui Stephanie se pierd pe partia de ski de langa complex si el este cel care le gaseste pe poznase. Pentru ca erau ude si obosite, Stephanie inchide magazinul si vrea sa le duca pe fete acasa, dar Patrick o anunta ca poate sta o luna acasa, in concediu fara salar.Mai tarziu, in aceasi zi, and fetele vor sa vada aprindere luminilor pe pomul de Craciun din oras, Patrick este cel care le urca intr-o cabina de macara si le ofera o priveliste minunata a pomului de Craciun, crezand ca poate sa isi ceara scuze de la Stephanie, dar aceasta nu il prea baga in seama. Faptul ca ea a ramas somera o luna, insemna ca isi poate pierde imprumutul de la banca si nu isi va putea achita avansul pentru casa mult visata. Dar Ajunul Craciunului o prinde in compania lui Patrick si Mos Craciun ii face cadou actul de proprietate al casei pe care si-o dorea. Cine e Mosul? Nu va pot spune...cititi cartea. ;)
Part 2 - A merry Christmas by Cathy Lamb
Meredith is a very busy woman, she is raising her sisters kids, whom she abandoned a few years ago - Sarah - a rebel young lady and Jacob - a very shy boy. She left her work in New York and moved Montana where she started a business in tourism, running a bed&breakfast. Everybody in town knows her because she wears colorful cowboy hats and is a tomboy. One day, while she was drinking a coffee, a man hits on her. Annoyed, she starts to argue with him, but a muscle man enters the cafe and takes her side, even though she doesn't want him to. Logan is a charming man, who feels attracted to Meredith, and the felling is mutual. A few years ago, Meredith had a terrible accident and she thinks she will never be able to get involved with a men. Why? You must read the book to find out why. The two of them have so many things in common, it's crazy. But she decides to end the relationship even before it starts. Because Logan is stubborn, he doesn't give up. He gets involved in the show Meredith is organizing for Christmas at the theater, just to be around her and prove he has feeling for her. Because Meredith insists not to get involved, Logan leaves town. Each of them try to get over, but they can't. Eventually, the Christmas spirit makes a miracle and she tells him what her problem is...and he already knew about it. How? It's in the book. Anyway, everything is fine in the end.
Meredith este o femeie foarte ocupata, creste copii pe care sora ei i-a abandonat acum cativa ani - Sarah, o domnisoara rebela si Jacob, un baiat tare timid. Si-a last viata si job-ul din New York si s-a stabilit in Montana unde si-a deschis o pesiune bed&breakfast. Toata lumea in oras o stie pentru ca poarta cele mai colorate palarii de cowboy si este baietoasa. Intr-una din zile, in timp ce isi lua cafeaua, un turist s-a dat la ea destul de insistent, dar Meredith a stiut sa-i tina piept... pana cand ii sare in ajutor Logan, un barbat musculos si atragator, caruia ii place de ea. Si sentimentul este mutual, dar ea nu recunoaste, pentru ca in urma cu multi ani a avut un accident in ura caruia si-a pierdut increderea in sine si in frumusetea ei si nu a mai avut o relatie de atunci. Ce s-a intamplat in accident veti afla in carte. Cei doi au atat de multe in comun, incat te intrebi de ce Meredith pune capat relatie inainte ca ea sa inceapa. Pentru ca Logan este destul de incapatanat sa ii arate ca nu doreste doar o aventura, se implica in spectacolul de Craciun pe care Meredith ii pregateste la teatrul din oras. Pentru ca ea tot insista sa nu se implice, Logan pleaca din oras, cei doi incerca sa treaca peste sentimente lor, dar nu reusesc. Pana la urma, spiritul Craciunului face o minune si ea ii spune problema ea....problema pe care el o stia. De unde? Scrie in carte. Ideea e ca totul e bine cand se termina cu bine.
Meredith este o femeie foarte ocupata, creste copii pe care sora ei i-a abandonat acum cativa ani - Sarah, o domnisoara rebela si Jacob, un baiat tare timid. Si-a last viata si job-ul din New York si s-a stabilit in Montana unde si-a deschis o pesiune bed&breakfast. Toata lumea in oras o stie pentru ca poarta cele mai colorate palarii de cowboy si este baietoasa. Intr-una din zile, in timp ce isi lua cafeaua, un turist s-a dat la ea destul de insistent, dar Meredith a stiut sa-i tina piept... pana cand ii sare in ajutor Logan, un barbat musculos si atragator, caruia ii place de ea. Si sentimentul este mutual, dar ea nu recunoaste, pentru ca in urma cu multi ani a avut un accident in ura caruia si-a pierdut increderea in sine si in frumusetea ei si nu a mai avut o relatie de atunci. Ce s-a intamplat in accident veti afla in carte. Cei doi au atat de multe in comun, incat te intrebi de ce Meredith pune capat relatie inainte ca ea sa inceapa. Pentru ca Logan este destul de incapatanat sa ii arate ca nu doreste doar o aventura, se implica in spectacolul de Craciun pe care Meredith ii pregateste la teatrul din oras. Pentru ca ea tot insista sa nu se implice, Logan pleaca din oras, cei doi incerca sa treaca peste sentimente lor, dar nu reusesc. Pana la urma, spiritul Craciunului face o minune si ea ii spune problema ea....problema pe care el o stia. De unde? Scrie in carte. Ideea e ca totul e bine cand se termina cu bine.
You should go and check out Ana's book of the week, maybe her's is your weekend's book to read.
Ar trebui sa treceti si pe la Ana, sa vedeti ce carte a citit in ultima saptamana, poate e cartea potrivita pentru voi pentru acest sfarsit de spatamana.
Ar trebui sa treceti si pe la Ana, sa vedeti ce carte a citit in ultima saptamana, poate e cartea potrivita pentru voi pentru acest sfarsit de spatamana.
We really want to have some feedback from you, in comments if possible, but only real thoughts. If you don't like romance, tell us what kind of books do you like and recommend us something to read, maybe next week, your book will be reviewed here or on Ana's blog.
Ne dorim sa primim feedback din partea voastra, preferabil sub forma de comentarii, dar pareri sincere. Daca acest tip de carte nu e pe placul vostru, sugerati o carte pe care sa o citim si poate saptamana viitoare, cartea voastra va fi pe blogul meu sau al Anei.. :)
Ne dorim sa primim feedback din partea voastra, preferabil sub forma de comentarii, dar pareri sincere. Daca acest tip de carte nu e pe placul vostru, sugerati o carte pe care sa o citim si poate saptamana viitoare, cartea voastra va fi pe blogul meu sau al Anei.. :)
December 4, 2013
Getting ready for Christmas - 2.Glitter overload
hihihi... this must be the easiest and toughest theme of this challenge. :)
When there is glitter, it' some sort of overload, right? I mean you won't put just a little bit of glitter, right?
You should have seen me with all my glitters - polish and powder - around me, thinking what should I do to make something great showing? I have decided for two things:
hihihi....asta ar trebui sa fie cea mai usoara si mai grea tema din colaborare :)
Pentru ca acolo unde e sclipici, este oarecum din abundenta, nu? Cine pune doar putin sclipici? pfu!
Trebuia sa ma vedeti inconjurata de sclipici - oje si pudre, gandindu-ma cu ce sa va incant privirile. Si am facut doua chestii:
You should go and check out the other nails on Elsa's Facebook page. The girls have amazing manicures and make-up.
Ar trebui sa mergeti pe pagina de Facebook a Elsei sa vedeti ce manichiuri si machiaje superbe au celelalte fete.
When there is glitter, it' some sort of overload, right? I mean you won't put just a little bit of glitter, right?
You should have seen me with all my glitters - polish and powder - around me, thinking what should I do to make something great showing? I have decided for two things:
hihihi....asta ar trebui sa fie cea mai usoara si mai grea tema din colaborare :)
Pentru ca acolo unde e sclipici, este oarecum din abundenta, nu? Cine pune doar putin sclipici? pfu!
Trebuia sa ma vedeti inconjurata de sclipici - oje si pudre, gandindu-ma cu ce sa va incant privirile. Si am facut doua chestii:
Gabrini 386 + CaiRuo 22
Golden Rose Care+Strong 104 + white&green powder glitter
Ar trebui sa mergeti pe pagina de Facebook a Elsei sa vedeti ce manichiuri si machiaje superbe au celelalte fete.
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