December 12, 2013

B.O.T.W. - Danielle Steel - Jonny Angel/ Ingerul pazitor

Another Thursday, another book.
O alta zi de Joi, o alta carte a saptamanii.

Johnny is a young athlete, in his senior year, a boy that managed to split his time between his family, practice, school and his girlfriend and her family. The prom is here and the party was beautiful, but the road home is not as pretty as it should be. Johnny's car is involved in a car crash and he's the only one that dies. His girlfriend and the other passengers have only minor cuts. The news of his death makes the whole community tremble.
Johnny este un tanar sportiv, elev in ultimul an de liceu, un baiat care isi imparte tot timpul intre familia lui, antrenamente, scoala si iubita lui si familia ei. Balul de absolvire este aici, petrecerea este minunata, dar drumul inapoi acasa nu este la fel de frumos. Masina lui Johnny este implicata intr-un accident si el moare. Iubita lui si ceilalti pasageri scapa cu rani minore. Vestea mortii lui cutremura toata comunitatea.

Before the accident, his family was tearing apart and now they grow even more further apart. Five years ago, Jim - his dad and his younger brother - Bobby were involved in a car crash and the little boy, 4 at the time got so scared that he stopped talking. Since then, Jim drank every day. Charlotte, Johnny's little sister, is a great baseball player, who's only desire is to have her father's approval. Since Johnny died, Alice, his mom, stopped taking care of her and she got admitted with ulcer.
Si inainte de accident familia baiatului era destramata, dar parca acum lucrurile se agraveaza. Acum cinci ani, Jim-tatal baiatului, si Bobby-fratele lui mai mic au avut un accident de masina si de atunci baiatul cel mic nu mai vorbeste. Din acea zi, Jim a inceput sa bea zilnic. Charlotte, fiica mijlocie a familiei, este o jucatoare fenomenala de baseball, care isi doreste ca tatal ei sa o accepte asa cum il accepta pe Johnny. De la moartea sa, mama lui, Alice a incetat sa mai aiba grija de ea si a fost internata in spital cu ulcer.

During her stay in the hospital, she has received a great gift: she got to spend some time in the company of Johnny's ghost. The boy knew that he was sent back to put in order a few things, but he wasn't told exactly what. After he got back, he did miracles: helps Becky to get over his death and fall back in love, helps Pam - Becky's mom, to fall in love and get married, helps Bobby talk again and makes Jim to accept and get close to Charlotte.
In timpul pe care l-a petrecut in spital, a primit un cadou: acum ii poate vedea fantoma lui Johnny. Baiatul stie ca poate sta doar pana isi termina de lasat lucrurile in ordine, chiar daca nu stie inca despre ce e vorba. De la reintoarcea lui, a facut adevarate minuni: a ajutat-o pe Becky sa treaca peste moartea lui si sa se indragosteasca din nou, o ajuta pe mama ei sa se indragosteasca si sa se casatoreasca, il ajuta pe fratele lui mai mic sa vorbesca din nou si il face pe Jim sa se apropie de Charlotte.

On the first Christmas night, Alice and Johnny realize that their time together is up and say goodbye in tears. But not before the boy gives his mom a small box and say to open it only after he's gone. The present was a gift that nobody was expecting, but was received with open heart!
In prima seara de Craciun, Alice si Johnny simteau ca e vremea sa isi ia ramas bun. dar inainte sa plece, baiatul ii da mamei sale un cadou si o roaga sa il deschida numai dupa ce el pleaca. Putin mai tarziu, Alice deschide cutia si vede cadou la care nimeni nu se astepta, dar care a fost primit cu bucurie.

Note: I shed some tears in the end! This is a story full of emotions that gave me lots of goose bumps! I left out a lot of details, so find this book and read it! It's worth the time.
Nota: Am plans putin la sfarsit! E o poveste foarte emotionanta care mi-a facut pielea gaina. Sa stiti ca am lasat pe dinafara o multime de detalii, asa ca va trebui sa luati cartea sa o cititi!

Check out Ana's book of the week, maybe you'll like it!
Sa treceti si pe la Ana sa vedeti cartea saptamanii ei!

Please let me know in a comment what you think about this story! Thank you!


  1. O trec pe lista - de cumparat -, cred ca o sa-mi placa. :D

  2. cred ca e superba.. imi place acest gen si cu siguranta o voi cauta.. :)
    thanks for sharing.. :)

    1. Anytime! eu nu i-a dat sanse pana cand nu am ajuns pe la capitolul 3-4 :)
