January 27, 2013

Wedding recap` :) (pic heavy)

De cate ori ma uit la pozele de la nunta, parca ma cuprind alte emotii, parca de fiecare data e prima data cand le vad...18 august 2012 a fost cea mai frumoasa zi din viata mea(pana acum) ;) si cred ca nu numai din viata mea, cred ca si din viata sotului meu.
Le multumesc familiei, prietenilor, celor de la Restaurant Chicago`s, Nunta Mea(aranjament sala), Sortav(foto-video), Gloria Events(aranjamente florale), Ana Augustini(make-up). Thanks a bunch!

Everytime I go through our wedding photos, I experience another type of emotions...August 18th 2012 was the best day of my life (until now) and I think it was my husband`s best day ever.
I want to say thank you to our famillies, our friends, to the staff from the restaurant ( Chicago`s Restaurant), Nunta Mea (decorations for the restaurant), Sortav (photo & video), Gloria Events (flowers), Ana Augustini (make up). Thanks a bunch!

Un buchet format din 3 buchetele...o surpriza pentru fetele care le-au prins :)
The bouquet had three little bouquets...a surprise for the girls :)

Nasii nostri
Our God-parents

Doar nu era sa ma lase sa ma chinui cu tocurile :)
He couldn`t let me struggle with high heels on grass :))

trebuie sa fim seriosi? de ce? :))
it`s a must to be serious? why? :))

ceva de genul: Zboara, puiule, zboara! :)

Coreografie la unul din hiturile verii 2012 :))

Cam asta a fost nunta noastra sau, momentele mai importante :)
Eu ma pun sa dorm, ca iar fac noapte alba, si maine se intreaba toata lumea de ce mi-e somn sau sunt somnoroasa, MAMA sigur! Doamne, bine ma mai cunoaste :))

And this was our wedding, or the most important pictures of it. :)
I`m going to bed, or else tomorrow my mom will definitely will see I haven`t slept enought! Oh, she knowns me so well!

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