September 29, 2013

Summer's on my fingertips!

I just can't let summer go away! Even though two nights ago there were 2 degrees Celsius outside. My friends know that I wear summer colors whenever I feel like wearing them... :) maybe that's why they like me so much...because I bring the happy memories from the summer time in their lives in the middle of December.
Who cares?
Now, I've tried sooooo much to do a successful water marble nail design, but I never succeeded. Then, one of my web friends, Ana Maria, posted a tutorial on YouTube and there were comments from girls trying and succeeding the technique. I got angry....really angry and frustrated. And decided to try again...and I did it.
I now present first water marble design!
(PS: the previous post had the water marble technique that I did after this one, but had to be posted earlier!)

September 28, 2013

September 21, 2013

TPA: 4-Inspired by a season

Ok, so here we are, on a new weekend and with a new challenge: a manicure inspired by a season. Because winter is just around the corner and I love having red cheeks when I get inside the house, I made a winter inspired mani.
My first manicure is a drawing of the winter...

September 16, 2013

New Glitters

Everybody tells me I'm a nail polish addict...the problem is that I agree. But I can't do too much about it. Truth be told, I haven't really tried doing anything in this matter. But as long as I'm not giving up food to buy polish, I think I'm OK. :)
Toata lumea imi spune ca sunt dependenta de oje...problema e ca sunt de acord cu toti. Dar nu am ce face in privinta asta. Sa fiu sincera,nu ma prea gandesc la asta. Atata timp cat nu renunt la mancare pentru oje, cred ca e bine. :)

Let me introduce you to my newest friends, 5 gorgeous glitters. In fact, there should have been 6, but when I opened the bottle to make the swatches I found out that one bottle was broken and the polish hardened. So the last 3 days I tried to loosen up the glitter and transfer it into another bottle. Unfortunately, I used nail polish remover because I don't have nail polish thinner. If it doesn't work, I won't be disappointed.
The company that makes this cute polishes is CaiRuo, a company that I have heard of, but I could find no website for them. Maybe I don't know how to look. That's not important right now.
Dati-mi voie sa va prezint noilor mei prieteni, 5 sclipiciosi. De fapt, ar trebui sa fie 6, dar cand am deschis oja am vazut ca ara sparta la filet. Asa am ajuns ca in ultimele 3 zile sa incerc sa inmoi sclipiciul sa il mut in alta sticluta. Din pacate, am folosit acetona, nu solutie speciala pentru oje. Daca nu va merge, nu e sfarsit de lume.
Compania care face ojele este CaiRuo, nu am mai auzit de ea si nici nu am gasit un site al lor. Poate nu stiu eu sa caut. Dar asta nu e important acum.

Important are my glitter polishes.
Importante sunt ojele sclipicioase.
The broken one :(

September 14, 2013

TPA 3.Inspired by your zodiac sign

Hello, lovelies!
It's time for a new theme from our Polish Addicts group: inspired by your zodiac sign.
I'm a Taurus, I'm stubborn, I'm meticulous and crafty.

September 7, 2013

TPA - 2. Inspired by a flower data asta postez in ziua in care trebuie - sambata, si la timp - inainte de ora 12. :)
Stiti ca sambata trecuta am fost la o nunta, iar mireasa a facut naselor buchet din floarea soarelui. Asa ca, avand buchetul pe birou de saptamana trecuta, inspiratia mea a fost... sun flower. Cred ca foarte multe din fete au facut o manichiura de aceasi inspiratie, dar eu una m-as bucura.
Va prezint unghiutele mele si va rog sa treceti si pe la celelalte fete.

Ok...this time I'm on time with the post - Saturday, before noon. 
You might know that last week I was at a wedding and the bride made for the godmothers sun flower bouquets. So, having the bouquet on my desk for the last 6 days, my flower of choice was...sun flower. I tend to believe that there will be quite a few girls with sun flower inspired manis, but I'll be happy to see their approach. 
Here are my nails and please go see the manicures of the other girls.

September 4, 2013

TUPC - Was a gift ajuns si la ultima categorie a acestei colaborari...adica prezentarea unei oje neincercate pe care am primit-o cadou. Nu ma laud cu foarte multe oje primite cadou, dar am destule si mi-a fost cam greu sa ma hotarasc la una. Dar am ramas la un corai tare frumos, pe care doar l-am swatch-uit, pentru ca am avut o zi foarte aglomerata astazi.
soooo....we got to the last category of this collaboration...the untried nail polish that was a gift. I can't say that I have a lot of them, but there are a few so I had a hard time trying to choose the best one. I decided to swatch for you a bright coral and not to do a design because I had a really really full day today.

Delectati-va cu pozele mele si treceti sa vedeti si alte oje neincercate primite cadou :)
Enjoy the photos and check out other untried gifted polishes :)

Paris Memories shade #282

September 3, 2013

TPA Group Challenge : 1.Inspired by pop art

Si uite ca incep cu stangul o noua provocare...spun cu stangul, pentru ca postarea asta a cam intarziat 4 zile :(
Scuza ar fi faptul ca sambata am fost nasi si abia acum incepem sa ne revenim din oboseala.
Si sa nu o mai lungesc, altfel mai intarzie o zi... :)

Look at me...starting with the wrong foot a new challenge... this post was due 4 days ago, so please excuse me! On Saturday we were at a wedding and only now, we can say that we are well rested. :) To keep it short, let's see the nail art: