February 27, 2014

BOTW: Jane Costello - The nearly weds / Aproape casatoriti

Ok, last week I was MIA, but now I'm back. This is the book I wanted to talk to you about, but couldn't. So let me tell you what the back of the book says:

"The Nearly-weds

Bride Zoe is left heartbroken when her groom Jason isn't waiting at the altar for her. So she leaves Liverpool for a nannying job in the United States, where she is employed by widower Ryan to look after his two kids, Ruby and Samuel. She soon wins over the children, befriends some other English nannies, including boisterous Trudie, hippie Amber and posh Felicity, but moody and neglectful Ryan is a much harder nut to crack. Will this new life in Boston help her forget Jason? Another charming tale from Costello with the humiliation-prone heroine torn between two commitment-wary men."

Ok, now let me tell you what I imagined...well, it wasn't hard to imagine anything, because I saw - when I was a child, the TV series -  "The Nanny". The main story is almost the same, but with more compressed actions. A woman that was not satisfied with her past-here, Zoe was left at the altar- finds a job as a nanny. The father - the employer, is a widower with a daughter and a son, with no free time for his kids. They fall in love, but Zoe wants to give it another try with her ex-fiance and gets back to Great Britain. She leaves him at the altar, because she realizes that he's not the one for her, that she loves Ryan. She was hoping that her ex-employer will barge in the chapel and surprise her, but he wasn't coming. Later that day, while she was having a drink, he appeared. Why he was not on time or what is the reason he came there? Find out by reading the book...or just guess! :)
Ok, stiu ca m-ati dat disparuta saptamana trecuta, dar am revenit cu review-ul pe care am vrut sa vi-l prezint joia trecuta. Review-ul de pe spatele cartii zice asa:

"Aproape casatoriti

Care este cel mai rău lucru care i se poate întâmpla în ziua nunţii unei mirese drăguţe şi iubitoare? Părăsită de logodnic în faţa altarului, Zoe Moore se simte incapabilă să facă faţă umilinţei şi privirilor compătimitoare ale prietenilor şi familiei şi se hotărăşte să se mute pentru o vreme în America. Odată ajunsă acolo, tânăra devine bona copiilor unui văduv nesuferit, dificil, dar extrem de atrăgător şi de sexy. ?n timp ce le câştigă pas cu pas inima copiilor, Zoe se simte din ce în ce mai frustrată de atitudinea tatălui lor, Ryan, pe care îl consideră un nemernic insensibil, dar de care se simte atrasă în mod inevitabil. Slavă Domnului că există micul grup de bone englezoaice, devenite repede prietenele ei, care să-i tempereze disperarea crescândă! Dar oare vor fi ele în stare să o salveze pe Zoe atunci când descoperă că trecutul nu este chiar atât de uşor de uitat?"

Nu stiu daca ati vazut serialul "Dadaca", dar in mare parte despre asta e vorba in carte. Despre o femeie care nu e prea multumita de trecutul ei - aici Zoe a fost parasita la altar - si isi gaseste o slujba de dadaca. Un tata care e vaduv, are o fetita si un baiat si nu are timp pentru ei. Se indragostesc pana la urma, dar Zoe se hotaraste sa-i mai dea o sansa celui care a parasit-o in momentul care trebuia sa fie cel mai fericit din viata ei si se intoarce in Marea Britanie. Isi paraseste si ea logodnicul la altar, dar nu pentru ca vrea sa ii intoarca "favorul, ci pentru ca isi da seama ca il iubeste pe Ryan. Ea spera ca fostul ei sef sa intre in capela si sa faca asa ca in filme, sa spuna ca el se opune casatoriei celor doi pentru ca o iubeste pana la infinit si ea sa fuga in bratele lui si apoi sa fuga impreuna. Nu. Nu se intampla. Ceva mai incolo in zi, in timp ce e cu prietena ei la un pub, apare Ryan. De ce acum si cu ce motiv? Veti afla daca cititi cartea sau daca va puneti putin mintea la contributie. Ca e simplu. :)

Check out the other books my friend read:

February 23, 2014


Another first for me! Not only the mix'n'match manicure is my first try, but it's the first time I've take photos at night. I wasn't happy with the results, but I think I'm getting better at photographing, despite my non-professional camera. :)
Truth be told, I was challenged to do this king of manicure. So, this is the result.

O alta premiera pentru mine! Nu doar manichiura asortata, dar si sedinta foto de seara. Nu am fost foarte multumita cu rezultatele pana acum, dar cred ca incerc sa ma descurc mai bine in ultima vreme, in ciuda camerei mele foto pentru amatori. :)
Ca sa va spun sincer, am fost provocata sa fac aceasta manichiura. Asa ca, uite rezultatul.

Base color: Farmec Flip-Flop
Thumb nail: Rimmel London 60 Seconds 500 Caramel Cupcake - light brown + Classics Glamour 178 - black
Index finger nail: green glitter hexagons
Middle finger nail: Gabrini 319 - light green + Gabrini Summer Edition M106 - turquoise
Ring finger nail: Flormar 400 - white and green glitter hexagons
Pinky finger nail: Golden Rose Jolly Jewels 105 - green and purple glitter

February 22, 2014

T.P.A.: 23-Inspired by splatter

Hi, there...or here! :)

Well, this theme was a new one for me, so...I literally threw nail polish on my nails. But not plain and simple threw...I bought a lollipop just to get a straw. But I found out - from my brother, because he always has better ideas than mine- that a Q-tip with cut ends works as well. Yeap....

Pai, tema asta e iar una noua pentru mine, asa ca...efectiv mi-am patat unghiile cu oja. Dar nu am pus oja asa simplu pe unghie...si mi-am cumparat pana si acadea ca sa am un pai bun pentru manichiura asta. Dar fratele meu iar m-a luminat - el cu ideile lui - si mi-a spus ca si daca tai capetele de la un betigas pentru urechi tot pai obtin. Da...

This is my test paper. I found out that exhaling fast through the straw makes only dots, but if you exhale slowly it's better.

Aici e hartia mea de proba. Am descoperit ca daca suflu tare prin pai obtin doar puncte, dar daca suflu mai incet e mai bine.

I got some paper tape, stick it around my nails to protect my skin and started painting. As a base color I chose a nude and over it a brown shimmer. Then I added the star of the manicure - the splatter. Oh, it reminds me of Dexter Morgan - how I miss him! :( 
Removed the tape, took a nail art brush and acetone and started cleaning up as well as I could.
Add top coat and you are done!

Mi-am lipit banda adeziva de hartie pe langa unghii pentru a-mi proteja pielea. Ca si culoare de baza am folosit un crem peste care am aplicat un sclipici foarte fin si discret maro. Apoi am trecut la vedeta manichiuri: stropii/pete/mazgaleli. Oh, imi aduce aminte de Dexter Morgan - cat imi e de dor de el! :(
Am indepartat banda si cu o pensula de nail art si acetona am inceput sa curat pe la cuticule cat am putut de bine. Adaugi top coat si esti gata!

Oh, yeah...I simply love my little plant! And my nails.
Oh, da...pur si simplu imi iubesc plantuta! Si unghiile.

From left to right:
De la stanga la dreapta:
Golden Rose Care&Strong - 111 
Golden Rose Care&Strong - 183 
Golden Rosa Paris - 59 

Check out other splatter manicures:
  1. Oana-http://unghiutele.blogspot.ro/
  2. Teo- http://taitzel-make-up.blogspot.ro
  3. Oana - http://wanna-nails.blogspot.com/
  4. Rita - http://addictedofbutterflies.wordpress.com/
  5. Iulia - http://iuliabeldean.blogspot.ro/
  6. Ana Maria - http://unghiutelemele.blogspot.ro/
  7. Mihaela (Ela's Dreams) - http://elasdreams.blogspot.ro/

February 16, 2014

T.P.A.: 22. Color Blocking

Hello and welcome to my late color blocking manicure.
The big delay was caused by my not liking my design from yesterday. So this morning I came up with another manicure and this time I liked it.
I use the same colors for both the manicures because I wanted to see which one of them you like more.

Salut si bine ati venit sa-mi vedeti manichiura colorata.
Am intarziat atat de mult pentru ca ce am facut ieri nu prea mi-a placut. Asa ca azi dimineata am facut alta care mi-a placut mai mult.
Am folosit aceleasi culori pentru ambele manichiuri pentru ca vreau sa vad care va place mai mult.

Golden Rose Paris - green (it has no number on it)
Golden Rose Paris 212 - blue
Golden Rose Care+Strong 104 - white
Golden Rose Nail Art 107 - silver liner

This was the first design I came up with. In my mind, it was great...but when I painted it...well, not so great.
Acesta a fost primul model. In imaginatia mea, era grozav...dar in realitate, nu prea a iesit grozav.

This is what Saturday morning brought. Another geometrical design, which I love, by the way.
Asta e ceea ce a adus dimineata de duminica. Un alt model geometric, pe care il iubesc!

Check out the other girls to see more color blocking manicures:
  1. Mihaela (Ela's Dreams) - http://elasdreams.blogspot.ro
  2. Oana - http://unghiutele.blogspot.ro
  3. Alina - http://www.justanangel.net
  4. Kinga - http://polish-blue-my-mind.blogspot.ro
  5. Carla - http://carlasbeautybox.wordpress.com
  6. Iulia - http://iuliabeldean.blogspot.ro
  7. Teo - http://taitzel-make-up.blogspot.ro
  8. Andrea - http://andicolouryourlife.blogspot.ro
  9. Madalina - http://misshappyandhernails.blogspot.ro
  10. Flori - http://blogbyflora.blogspot.ro
  11. Rita - http://addictedofbutterflies.wordpress.com
  12. Andra (Sophie) - http://sophiesnailartdreamland.blogspot.ro
  13. Ana Maria - http://unghiutelemele.blogspot.ro/
  14. Oana - http://wanna-nails.blogspot.com/
  15. Mihaela - http://lacquerbuzz.com

February 13, 2014

B.O.T.W. - Escape/Evadarea - Barbara Delisky

Well, today was not a good day for me...trouble at work, stupid things happening to me...but it was the 13th of the month. And being late with the post is just the cherry on top! 
Let me tell about how much I loved this book!
I see myself in Emily and sometimes I would like to escape the way she did...

Pai, astazi nu a fost o zi prea buna pentru mine...probleme la servici, mi s-a intamplat numai tampenii...dar pana la urma, azi a fost 13. Si faptul ca postez atat de tarziu e doar cireasa de pe tort!
Dar dati-mi voie sa va spun cat de mult mi-a placut aceasta carte!
Oarecum ma identific cu Emily si mi-as dori sa pot evada si eu uneori....

So, Emily is the wife of a lawyer,is a lawyer herself and all she wants is to escape the technology. So, one day, instead of going to the office, she leaves her phone, her watch, her laptop and credit cards; takes only some cash, clothes and the car and goes away. A few days before she left New York, she got a letter from Jude saying that he'll go home from his long journey in a few weeks, but she thinks that they won't meet in Bell Valley. Every road tends to take her to Bell Valley, the small town where ten years ago she had a love story with Jude, the brother of her best friend, Vicki. She told no one where she's going, but her husband found out and came for her. He tried to take her home, but failed. The trust he had in her is very rare nowadays and whoever has it, I hope they know they are blessed. One of Vicki's employees, Lee, has some problems with the family of her deceased husband. They accuse her for stealing his money, when in fact, they are stealing from her. This is when Emily and her husband, James, start working together to solve Lee's case. From the moment that James found out where Em was, he came along on week-ends or whenever he could. Those encounters were so full of love and desire, that they fell in love with each other again. They tried for a baby for a long time, but the busy and hectic city life stood in front of their happiness. The times they were together in Bell Valley, the miracle happened: Emily got pregnant. The whole story, the book is about Emily, the woman that has to choose between her career and the thought of a future family. Fortunately, she chose the family and James supports her decision. Jude is the same guy, nothing changes about him, even though he has a nine year old son with the woman that he cheated on Em ten years ago. 

Emily este sotie de avocat, este si ea avocat si tot ce isi doreste in acest moment este sa scape de tehnologie. Asa ca, intr-o zi, in loc sa mearga la birou, isi lasa acasa laptopul, telefonul, ceasul de mana si cardurile, isi ia cativa bani cash la ea, haine si masina si pleaca. Cu cateva zile inainte sa plece din New York, ea primeste o scrisoare de la Jude ii care i se spune ca acesta se va intoarce acasa peste cateva saptamani, dar se gandeste ca nu se vor intalni. Toate drumurile par sa o duca in Bell Valley, oraselul unde in urma cu zece ani a trait o poveste de dragoste cu Jude, fratele celei mai bune prietene a ei, Vicki. Nu a spus nimanui unde merge, dar sotul ei o gaseste si vine dupa ea. Incearca sa o aduca inapoi acasa, dar nu reuseste. Increderea pe care o are James in ea este foarte rara in zilele noastre, asa ca daca o aveti, nu va bateti joc de ea. Una din angajatele lui Vicki, Lee, are probleme cu familia raposatului sau sot. Acesti o acuza ca ar fi furat bani din fondul fiduciar al familiei, dar de fapt ei sunt vinovati. Acesta e momentul in care cei doi soti incep sa lucreze impreuna pentru a o ajuta pe Lee. De cand a aflat unde e sotia lui, James a venit sa o viziteze de cate ori a putut. aceste vizite erau foarte pasionale, lucru ce a facut ca Emily sa ramana insarcinata. Au incercat de atat de multe ori si nu au reusit, dar se pare ca linistea si lipsa stresului i-a ajutat. Toata povestea, toata cartea este despre Emily, femeia care a trebuit sa aleaga intre cariera si o viitoare familie. Din fericire, familia a castigat. Jude a ramas acelasi rebel, chiar daca femeia cu care a inselat-o pe Em i-a daruit un baiat - baiat care are acum noua ani.

I enjoyed the book like no other book I've read lately! 
If you will read it, please tell me what you think about it, I'm very curious.
Let's see now what my friends read this past week.

Mi-a placut cartea atat de mult!
Daca o veti citi, ca rog sa-mi spuneti ce parere aveti despre ea, sunt foarte curioasa.
Acum sa vedem ce au scrie fetele saptamana asta.
