"The Nearly-weds
Bride Zoe is left heartbroken when her groom Jason isn't waiting at the altar for her. So she leaves Liverpool for a nannying job in the United States, where she is employed by widower Ryan to look after his two kids, Ruby and Samuel. She soon wins over the children, befriends some other English nannies, including boisterous Trudie, hippie Amber and posh Felicity, but moody and neglectful Ryan is a much harder nut to crack. Will this new life in Boston help her forget Jason? Another charming tale from Costello with the humiliation-prone heroine torn between two commitment-wary men."
Ok, now let me tell you what I imagined...well, it wasn't hard to imagine anything, because I saw - when I was a child, the TV series - "The Nanny". The main story is almost the same, but with more compressed actions. A woman that was not satisfied with her past-here, Zoe was left at the altar- finds a job as a nanny. The father - the employer, is a widower with a daughter and a son, with no free time for his kids. They fall in love, but Zoe wants to give it another try with her ex-fiance and gets back to Great Britain. She leaves him at the altar, because she realizes that he's not the one for her, that she loves Ryan. She was hoping that her ex-employer will barge in the chapel and surprise her, but he wasn't coming. Later that day, while she was having a drink, he appeared. Why he was not on time or what is the reason he came there? Find out by reading the book...or just guess! :)
Ok, now let me tell you what I imagined...well, it wasn't hard to imagine anything, because I saw - when I was a child, the TV series - "The Nanny". The main story is almost the same, but with more compressed actions. A woman that was not satisfied with her past-here, Zoe was left at the altar- finds a job as a nanny. The father - the employer, is a widower with a daughter and a son, with no free time for his kids. They fall in love, but Zoe wants to give it another try with her ex-fiance and gets back to Great Britain. She leaves him at the altar, because she realizes that he's not the one for her, that she loves Ryan. She was hoping that her ex-employer will barge in the chapel and surprise her, but he wasn't coming. Later that day, while she was having a drink, he appeared. Why he was not on time or what is the reason he came there? Find out by reading the book...or just guess! :)
Ok, stiu ca m-ati dat disparuta saptamana trecuta, dar am revenit cu review-ul pe care am vrut sa vi-l prezint joia trecuta. Review-ul de pe spatele cartii zice asa:
Care este cel mai rău lucru care i se poate întâmpla în ziua nunţii unei mirese drăguţe şi iubitoare? Părăsită de logodnic în faţa altarului, Zoe Moore se simte incapabilă să facă faţă umilinţei şi privirilor compătimitoare ale prietenilor şi familiei şi se hotărăşte să se mute pentru o vreme în America. Odată ajunsă acolo, tânăra devine bona copiilor unui văduv nesuferit, dificil, dar extrem de atrăgător şi de sexy. ?n timp ce le câştigă pas cu pas inima copiilor, Zoe se simte din ce în ce mai frustrată de atitudinea tatălui lor, Ryan, pe care îl consideră un nemernic insensibil, dar de care se simte atrasă în mod inevitabil. Slavă Domnului că există micul grup de bone englezoaice, devenite repede prietenele ei, care să-i tempereze disperarea crescândă! Dar oare vor fi ele în stare să o salveze pe Zoe atunci când descoperă că trecutul nu este chiar atât de uşor de uitat?"
Nu stiu daca ati vazut serialul "Dadaca", dar in mare parte despre asta e vorba in carte. Despre o femeie care nu e prea multumita de trecutul ei - aici Zoe a fost parasita la altar - si isi gaseste o slujba de dadaca. Un tata care e vaduv, are o fetita si un baiat si nu are timp pentru ei. Se indragostesc pana la urma, dar Zoe se hotaraste sa-i mai dea o sansa celui care a parasit-o in momentul care trebuia sa fie cel mai fericit din viata ei si se intoarce in Marea Britanie. Isi paraseste si ea logodnicul la altar, dar nu pentru ca vrea sa ii intoarca "favorul, ci pentru ca isi da seama ca il iubeste pe Ryan. Ea spera ca fostul ei sef sa intre in capela si sa faca asa ca in filme, sa spuna ca el se opune casatoriei celor doi pentru ca o iubeste pana la infinit si ea sa fuga in bratele lui si apoi sa fuga impreuna. Nu. Nu se intampla. Ceva mai incolo in zi, in timp ce e cu prietena ei la un pub, apare Ryan. De ce acum si cu ce motiv? Veti afla daca cititi cartea sau daca va puneti putin mintea la contributie. Ca e simplu. :)
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