December 4, 2013

Getting ready for Christmas - 2.Glitter overload

hihihi... this must be the easiest and toughest theme of this challenge. :)
When there is glitter, it' some sort of overload, right? I mean you won't put just a little bit of glitter, right?
You should have seen me with all my glitters - polish and powder - around me, thinking what should I do to make something great showing? I have decided for two things:

hihihi....asta ar trebui sa fie cea mai usoara si mai grea tema din colaborare :)
Pentru ca acolo unde e sclipici, este oarecum din abundenta, nu? Cine pune doar putin sclipici? pfu!
Trebuia sa ma vedeti inconjurata de sclipici - oje si pudre, gandindu-ma cu ce sa va incant privirile. Si am facut doua chestii:

Gabrini 386 + CaiRuo 22

Golden Rose Care+Strong 104 + white&green powder glitter

You should go and check out the other nails on Elsa's Facebook page. The girls have amazing manicures and make-up.

Ar trebui sa mergeti pe pagina de Facebook a Elsei sa vedeti ce manichiuri si machiaje superbe au celelalte fete.