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EN version
RO version
"A well known model for various artists, Shay Morrison believes that there is nothing shameful in showing your naked body as inspiration for the sake of art . Yet, hidden behind an enviable body is a sad soul because of a failed marriage. Invited to spend a weekend with the new family of her mother which just remarried, Shay accidentally sees her half-brother, Ian, coming out of the shower. Shay is excited by what she sees - a young man, exceptionally handsome-, but not Ian, who does not hide disdain for her career and uninhibited behavior of his new relatives. Outraged and humiliated, Shay makes a plan to seduce him, but she hits un unexpected obstacle - Ian is a priest and his morality is spotless. The burning desire that arises between these two passionate individuals, but so different, triggers a series of unpredictable events that will call into question all the values and beliefs of a Shay and Ian's life, causing them to take the unexpected decision. " - review from the back of the book - more or less.
"Renumit model pentru diversi artisti, Shay Morrison considera ca nu este nimic rusinos in a-ti expune trupul gol ca inspiratie pentru lucrari de arta. Insa ascuns in spatele unui trup de invidiat se afla un suflet indurerat de esecul unei casnicii ratate. Invitata intr-un weekend sa cunoasca noua familie a mamei sale proaspat recasatorite, Shay il surprinde din greseala pe fratele sau vitreg, Ian, iesind de la dus. Shay este incantata de ceea ce vede - un barbat tanar, exceptional de frumos-,nu insa si Ian, care nu-si ascunde dezaprobarea fata de cariera si comportamentul dezinhibat al proaspetei sale rude. Revoltata si umilita, Shay isi pune in gand sa il seduca, dar se izbeste de un obstacol neasteptat - Ian este preot, si moralitatea lui este fara pata. Dorinta arzatoare care se naste intre aceste doua firi pasionale, dar atat de diferite, declanseaza un fir de evenimente imprevizibile, care vor pune sub semnul intrebarii toate valorile si credintele de o viata ale lui Shay si Ian, determinandu-i sa ia cea mai neasteptata hotarare." - scrie pe spatele cartii.
Ok, Shay's mother organizes a family reunion: she, Shay, John-her new husband and Ian, John's son, at John's cottage. When Shay gets to the house, she finds a note on the door saying that the two "lovebirds" are shopping and will be back any minute. Upstairs, where she finds a post-it with her name on the door that was supposed to be her bedroom, she heard noises from the bathroom inside the room. Said hello, but because she got no answer, gets into the bathroom. When she realizes that someone is out there, she wants to exit the room, but it's too late. Shay surprises Ian coming out of the shower and can't go away ... so she sits and looks at him. When he sees her, he gets ashamed - and we find out later that it's because he is a priest. Seeing his anger because of what happened, Shay decides to seduce her step brother, not knowing what's his job is. :)
Ok, mama lui Shay organizeaza o reuniune de familie: ea, Shay, John-noul ei sot si Ian, fiul lui John, intr-un weekend, la cabana. Cand ajunge tanara la casa din padure, gaseste pe usa un bilet in care e anuntata ca cei doi "porumbei" sunt la cumparaturi si se vor intoarce numaidecat. Urca sus, unde gaseste un post-it cu numele ei pe o usa care trebuia sa fie dormitorul ei, dar aude galagie din baia din camera. Saluta, dar nu primeste un raspuns si intra in baie. Cand isi da seama ca este cineva acolo, vrea sa iasa, dar e prea tarziu. Il surprinde pe Ian iesind de sub dus si nu mai poate sa plece...asa ca sta si se uita la el. Cand acesta o vede, se rusineaza - si aflam mai tarziu ca e din cauza ca e preot. Vazandu-i revoltarea fata de cele intamplate, Shay se hotaraste sa il seduca pe fratele ei vitreg, nestiind care e meseria lui. :)
After failing to entice him, at dinner she find out that he is a priest , but that does not prevent her from trying to seduce him further, mainly because she was angry about not knowing that before. All of this was happening Friday night. Saturday was the day for tennis, and their parents went shopping again . Shay and Ian remained alone and fought about everything. At one point , Shay receives a tennis ball over the butt and it hurts so much that she almost fainted...women! :) Ian tries to massage the place, but realizes that he starts to have feelings about his half-sister. Hey, after all, they are not blood relatives! Saturday ends. Sunday, Ian leaves in the morning because he has to be at work, and Shay's feelings were shaken by what happened . After several weeks in which both suffer, Ian came at Shay's work to invite her to a coffee, where he proposed her to visit him on a Sunday and attend the service . Well, when the time came , Shay did not know why she feels so excited . If you expect hot scenes, you should forget that, because before that they must marry . Eventually, Shay agrees to become his wife, but she thinks she can still be rebellious and agreed to pose nude for a famous photographer .
Dupa ce esueaza sa-l ispiteasca la cina, afla ca este preot, dar asta nu o impiedica sa il incerce sa il seduca in continuare. Toate astea sa intampla vineri seara. Sambata ies sa joace tenis de camp, iar parintii lor merg din nou la cumparaturi. Shay si Ian raman singuri si se contrazic din orice. La un moment dat, Shay primeste o minge peste fund si o doare atat de tare incat lesina...femeile astea! :) Ian incearca sa ii maseze locul, dar isi da seama ca incepe sa aiba sentimente "necurate" in privinta surorii lui vitrege. Hei, pana la urma, nu sunt rude de sange! Trece si sambata. Duminica, Ian pleaca de dimineata pentru ca trebuie sa fie la munca, iar Shay ramane cu sentimentele rascolite de cele intamplate. Dupa cateva saptamani in care amandoi sufera, Ian o cauta pe Shay la munca si o invita la o cafea, unde stabilesc sa il viziteze pe barbat intr-o duminica si sa participe la slujba. Ei bine, cand a venit momentul, Shay nu stia de ce se simte atat de emotionata. Daca va asteptati la scene fierbinti, luati-va gandul, ca inainte de asta, ei trebuie sa se casatoreasca. Pana la urma, Shay accepta sa devina sotia lui Ian, dar ea crede ca poate fi in continuare firea rebela de pana acum si accepta sa pozeze nud pentru un fotograf celebru.
Because of that they argue and Shay goes to New York for the shoot, and when she returns the next day, she finds Ian packing because he has to go with the junior basketball team in the tournament. A few days later, there was a fire in town and Shay tried to help everyone as best she could. The next day came and Ian was back, taking his wife's place. After a few weeks, almost everything was back to normal when Shay received a call from her agent, announces that she has been chosen to pose for the famous photographer she posed a few months ago. But she refuses, saying she has other plans, namely to give birth to the child she carries. She does not know, but Ian was behind her and heard the conversation. But he was very happy and excited about the news. That's what was missing to be a happy family.
Din aceasta cauza cei doi se cearta, Shay pleaca la New York pentru sedinta foto, iar cand se intoarce ziua urmatoare, il gaseste pe Ian pleacand impreuna cu echipa de baschet a juniorilor in turneu. Cateva zile mai tarziu, in oraselul lor izbucni un incediu, iar Shay a incercat sa ii ajute pe toti cat de bine a putut. Ziua urmatoare a ajuns si Ian inapoi, preluand sarcinile sotie sale. Dupa cateva saptamani, aproape totul era la normal, cand Shay primi un telefon de la agentul ei care o anunta ca ea a fost aleasa pentru a poza pentru celebrul fotograf pentru care s-a certat cu Ian. Insa aceasta refuza, spunand ca are alte planuri, si anume sa aduca pe lume copilul pe care il poarta in pantece. Ea nu stie insa ca Ian este in spatele ei si aude conversatia. Dar acesta este cat se poate de fericit si incantat de veste. Asta este ceea ce le lipsea sa fie o familie fericita.
I hope you'll read the book or share your thought if you have read the book.
Now, let's go to see Ana's book, Diana's book and Gabriela's book.
Cred ca am citit-o. Nu o mai am, dar dupa descriere mi-e cunoscuta. Zilele trecute chiar mi-am comandat cateva carti ale acestei autoare. Le-am avut, dar le-am dat unei biblioteci. Ma gandeam sa-mi reintregesc colectia si chiar sa le recitesc.
ReplyDeletesi eu vreau sa imi mai cumpar carti, dar numai daca am jumatate+1 citite din inca nu am numarat :)