EN version
Jed Skimmerhorn is a sad man...he left the house he enharited from his family and moved in an apartment with rent. His tenant, Isadora Conroy is an art collector that has an antique store, with a loving family and a beautiful life. This two have nothing in common, except for the strong attraction between them. The whole trouble started when an employee from the shipping yard switched two shipments and delivered the good to the wrong addresses. Nobody noticed, except for the man that had valuable pieces of art hidden in that shipment: little sculptures inside big sculptures, valuable painting over which they painted something else... Well, the bad guy - Finley - hired a thief - DiCarlo - to get his things back, the most valuable of them. He manages to find the trail to Isadora's shop, but with casualties. After a couple failed attempts to rob Dora - and rape her, at some point, he get's killed by his employer, and Finley's "handy man" - Abel Winsap replaces him. The two men try to rob/torture/kill Isadora, but the fact that Jed is madly in love with her and a cop, makes things tough for them and they fail. Winesap is caught by the police while trying to pay Dora for the painting she had, and Finley was shot by Jed and his partner in Isadora's apartment. The man shot Isadora, but she managed to survive. Almost in every book, we have a love story and a couple that goes through hell for true love. Well, Isadora and Jed are fighting for their love and triyng to get over bad memories.
Haven't thought that I'll like the book, but I loved it. It's a book full of intrigues, secrets and passion. If you decide to read it, you won't regret doing so.
Check out what the girls read this past week.
:) nu am cuvinte sa ma scuz ca am intarziat aproape 11 ore cu recenzia... :)
RO version
Jed Skimmerhorn este un barbat trist...isi paraseste casa pe care a mostenit-o de la familia lui si se muta in chirie. Proprietara cladirii in care se muta este Isadora Conroy, o colectionara de opere de arta cu magazin de antichitati, cu o familie iubitoare si o viata frumoasa. Acesti nu au nimic in comun, in afara de atractia pe care o simt unul opentru celalalt. Toate problemele au inceput cand un muncitor de la vama a incurcat doua transporturi si le-a trimis la adrese gresite. Nimeni nu a bagat de seama, cu exceptia barbatului care avea lucrari de valoare ascunse printre opere de doi bani. Barbatu acesta - Finley- angajeaza in hot - DiCarlo- care ar trebui sa recupereze toate obiectele valoroase. Acesta da de urma Isadorei, dar multa lume are de suferit din cauza lui. Dupa cateva tentative esuate de a o jefui pe Isadora si de a o viola, acesta este ucis de Finley, iar locul lui este luat de Abel Winesap, omul de incredere al lui Finley. Acestia doi incearca sa recupereze lucrurile de la Dora, dar faptul ca Jed este indragostit lulea de ea si nu o lasa singura prea mult timp, ii face sa esueze de fiecare data. Winesap este prins in flagrant in momentul in care a incercat sa plateasca pictura Dorei, iar Finley este impuscat in apartamentul acesteia. El a reusit sa o ranesca pe Isadora, dar aceasta supravietuieste. Ca in fiecare carte romantica, avem si aici cuplul de indragostiti care lupta pentru iubirea lor. Isadora si Jed duc o lupta apriga impotriva sentimentelor lor, dar nu reusesc. Ce se intampla cu ei, puteti afla daca cititi cartea...
Nu am crezut ca o sa imi placa aceasta carte, dar am ajuns sa o iubesc. O carte plina de intrigi, secrete si pasiune. Nu o sa regretati daca o sa va apucati sa o cititi.
Treceti pe la fete, sa vedeti ce au mai citit si ele in saptamana care s-a incheiat:
Interesanta intriga, pare a avea suficienta actiune. :)
ReplyDeleteAre suficienta actiune incat sa te ameteasca de cap atunci cand o povestesti. Ce scrie in carte e foarte intortocheat :) , eu am incercat sa le scriu in ordine.
Deleteam si eu cartea, am primit-o si eu de 8 martie anul trecut. mi-a placut mult! eram cam sceptica initial, dar chiar am citit-o pe nerasuflate
ReplyDeleteyey! ma bucur ca o ai si tu si ca ti-a placut :)