January 30, 2014

BOTW: Sandra Brown - Tempest in Eden/ Furtuna in paradis

Hello. Here we are on another Thursday with another book. This week's book is one I read a log time ago...maybe about two years. And now, I'm sharing it with you.

Salutari. Azi e joia cu recenzia. Cartea pe care v-o prezint azi am citit-o de vreo doi ani, iar azi o impartasesc cu voi.

EN version

RO version

"A well known model for various artists, Shay Morrison believes that there is nothing shameful in showing your naked body as inspiration for the sake of art . Yet, hidden behind an enviable body is a sad soul because of a failed marriage. Invited to spend a weekend with the new family of her mother which just remarried, Shay accidentally sees her half-brother, Ian, coming out of the shower. Shay is excited by what she sees - a young man, exceptionally handsome-, but not Ian, who does not hide disdain for her career and uninhibited behavior of his new relatives. Outraged and humiliated, Shay makes a  plan to seduce him, but she hits un unexpected obstacle - Ian is a priest and his morality is spotless. The burning desire that arises between these two passionate individuals, but so different, triggers a series of unpredictable events that will call into question all the values ​​and beliefs of a Shay and Ian's life, causing them to take the unexpected decision. " - review from the back of the book - more or less.

"Renumit model pentru diversi artisti, Shay Morrison considera ca nu este nimic rusinos in a-ti expune trupul gol ca inspiratie pentru lucrari de arta. Insa ascuns in spatele unui trup de invidiat se afla un suflet indurerat de esecul unei casnicii ratate. Invitata intr-un weekend sa cunoasca noua familie a mamei sale proaspat recasatorite, Shay il surprinde din greseala pe fratele sau vitreg, Ian, iesind de la dus. Shay este incantata de ceea ce vede - un barbat tanar, exceptional de frumos-,nu insa si Ian, care nu-si ascunde dezaprobarea fata de cariera si comportamentul dezinhibat al proaspetei sale rude. Revoltata si umilita, Shay isi pune in gand sa il seduca, dar se izbeste de un obstacol neasteptat - Ian este preot, si moralitatea lui este fara pata. Dorinta arzatoare care se naste intre aceste doua firi pasionale, dar atat de diferite, declanseaza un fir de evenimente imprevizibile, care vor pune sub semnul intrebarii toate valorile si credintele de o viata ale lui Shay si Ian, determinandu-i sa ia cea mai neasteptata hotarare." - scrie pe spatele cartii.

Ok, Shay's mother organizes a family reunion: she, Shay, John-her new husband and  Ian, John's son, at John's cottage. When Shay gets to the house, she finds a note on the door saying that the two "lovebirds" are shopping and will be back any minute. Upstairs, where she finds a post-it with her name on the door that was supposed to be her bedroom, she heard noises from the bathroom inside the room. Said hello, but because she got no answer, gets into the bathroom. When she realizes that someone is out there, she wants to exit the room, but it's too late. Shay surprises Ian coming out of the shower and can't go away ... so she sits and looks at him. When he sees her, he gets ashamed - and we find out later that it's because he is a priest. Seeing his anger because of what happened, Shay decides to seduce her step brother, not knowing what's his job is. :)

Ok, mama lui Shay organizeaza o reuniune de familie: ea, Shay, John-noul ei sot si Ian, fiul lui John, intr-un weekend, la cabana. Cand ajunge tanara la casa din padure, gaseste pe usa un bilet in care e anuntata ca cei doi "porumbei" sunt la cumparaturi si se vor intoarce numaidecat. Urca sus, unde gaseste un post-it cu numele ei pe o usa care trebuia sa fie dormitorul ei, dar aude galagie din baia din camera. Saluta, dar nu primeste un raspuns si intra in baie. Cand isi da seama ca este cineva acolo, vrea sa iasa, dar e prea tarziu. Il surprinde pe Ian iesind de sub dus si nu mai poate sa plece...asa ca sta si se uita la el. Cand acesta o vede, se rusineaza - si aflam mai tarziu ca e din cauza ca e preot. Vazandu-i revoltarea fata de cele intamplate, Shay se hotaraste sa il seduca pe fratele ei vitreg, nestiind care e meseria lui. :) 

After failing to entice him, at dinner she find out that he is a priest , but that does not prevent her from trying to seduce him further, mainly because she was angry about not knowing that before. All of this was happening Friday night. Saturday was the day for tennis, and their parents went shopping again . Shay and Ian remained alone and fought about everything. At one point , Shay receives a tennis ball over the butt and it hurts so much that she almost fainted...women! :) Ian tries to massage the place, but realizes that he starts to have feelings about his half-sister. Hey, after all, they are not blood relatives! Saturday ends. Sunday, Ian leaves in the morning because he has to be at work, and Shay's feelings were shaken by what happened . After several weeks in which both suffer, Ian came at Shay's work to invite her to a coffee, where he proposed her to visit him on a Sunday and attend the service . Well, when the time came , Shay did not know why she feels so excited . If you expect hot scenes, you should forget that, because before that they must marry . Eventually, Shay agrees to become his wife, but she thinks she can still be rebellious and agreed to pose nude for a famous photographer .

Dupa ce esueaza sa-l ispiteasca la cina, afla ca este preot, dar asta nu o impiedica sa il incerce sa il seduca in continuare. Toate astea sa intampla vineri seara. Sambata ies sa joace tenis de camp, iar parintii lor merg din nou la cumparaturi. Shay si Ian raman singuri si se contrazic din orice. La un moment dat, Shay primeste o minge peste fund si o doare atat de tare incat lesina...femeile astea! :) Ian incearca sa ii maseze locul, dar isi da seama ca incepe sa aiba sentimente "necurate" in privinta surorii lui vitrege. Hei, pana la urma, nu sunt rude de sange! Trece si sambata. Duminica, Ian pleaca de dimineata pentru ca trebuie sa fie la munca, iar Shay ramane cu sentimentele rascolite de cele intamplate. Dupa cateva saptamani in care amandoi sufera, Ian o cauta pe Shay la munca si o invita la o cafea, unde stabilesc sa il viziteze pe barbat intr-o duminica si sa participe la slujba. Ei bine, cand a venit momentul, Shay nu stia de ce se simte atat de emotionata. Daca va asteptati la scene fierbinti, luati-va gandul, ca inainte de asta, ei trebuie sa se casatoreasca. Pana la urma, Shay accepta sa devina sotia lui Ian, dar ea crede ca poate fi in continuare firea rebela de pana acum si accepta sa pozeze nud pentru un fotograf celebru. 

Because of that they argue and Shay goes to New York for the shoot, and when she returns the next day, she finds Ian packing because he has to go with the junior basketball team in the tournament. A few days later, there was a fire in town and Shay tried to help everyone as best she could. The next day came and Ian was back, taking his wife's place. After a few weeks, almost everything was back to normal when Shay received a call from her agent, announces that she has been chosen to pose for the famous photographer she posed a few months ago. But she refuses, saying she has other plans, namely to give birth to the child she carries. She does not know, but Ian was behind her and heard the conversation. But he was very happy and excited about the news. That's what was missing to be a happy family.

Din aceasta cauza cei doi se cearta, Shay pleaca la New York pentru sedinta foto, iar cand se intoarce ziua urmatoare, il gaseste pe Ian pleacand impreuna cu echipa de baschet a juniorilor in turneu. Cateva zile mai tarziu, in oraselul lor izbucni un incediu, iar Shay a incercat sa ii ajute pe toti cat de bine a putut. Ziua urmatoare a ajuns si Ian inapoi, preluand sarcinile sotie sale. Dupa cateva saptamani, aproape totul era la normal, cand Shay primi un telefon de la agentul ei care o anunta ca ea a fost aleasa pentru a poza pentru celebrul fotograf pentru care s-a certat cu Ian. Insa aceasta refuza, spunand ca are alte planuri, si anume sa aduca pe lume copilul pe care il poarta in pantece. Ea nu stie insa ca Ian este in spatele ei si aude conversatia. Dar acesta este cat se poate de fericit si incantat de veste. Asta este ceea ce le lipsea sa fie o familie fericita.

I hope you'll read the book or share your thought if you have read the book.
Now, let's go to see Ana's book, Diana's book and Gabriela's book.

January 25, 2014

TPA: 19 - Ikat nails

Another Saturday, another manicure collaboration. This Ikat stuff started some time ago, but I thought that it's too difficult for me, so I've never tried it. But the collaboration made me do it :) so, here is the result.

 I kind of like what I made in the end and I think I might use this technique again.

What I used:
Gabrini 302 - white
Gabrini 230 - light shimmery blue
Gabrini M109 - light lilac
Gabrini S14 - dark purple
Gabrini 3D 00 - bas&top coat

Check out othe Ikat nails:
  1. Mihaela (Ela's Dreams) - http://elasdreams.blogspot.ro/
  2. Madalina - http://misshappyandhernails.blogspot.ro/
  3. Oana - http://wanna-nails.blogspot.com/
  4. Ad - http://walkwithad.wordpress.com/
  5. Oana-http://unghiutele.blogspot.ro/
  6. Rita - http://addictedofbutterflies.wordpress.com/
  7. Iulia - http://iuliabeldean.blogspot.ro/
  8. Ana Maria - http://unghiutelemele.blogspot.ro/
  9. Mihaela - http://lacquerbuzz.com

January 23, 2014

BOTW: Maya Banks - Sweet Persuasion

Ok, another week, another book. This time is another erotic book, by Maya Banks - Sweet Persuasion.
On the site that sells this book, I found it in a pack - 3 books: Maya Banks - Sweet Surrender, Maya Banks - Sweet Persuasion and Deeana Lee - Sweet Surrender. I made a review for the first one and the last one, now it's time for the second book. I did not plan to write about erotic books, but...it happened. Let's get to the action of the book!

Serena is the owner of a company named Fantasy Incorporated, a company that fulfills everybody's wish. And because she has a wish of her own, she reaches out to Damon Roche, the owner of an exclusive sex-club, a man strong enough to make her do whatever he wants. The thing is...when she tells him about her "clients" fantasy, he does not suspect that the client is her. But when Damon receives an email with the fantasy and at the personal info is Serena's name, he knows that he is the one to fulfill her wish and not only.
They sign a contract for a month and during this period of time she will do whatever Damon wants. Interesting...but things get intense and he makes everything he can to keep her for ever, not only for a month, and to keep her as part of the real life, not just for the sake of her fantasy. All he wishes is to make Serena his spoiled and lovely submissive. Can he?
I read the book twice and it's still amazing! Read the book and let me know if you likes it, too.

From this week on, we have another blogger joining us on this amazing literature trip. So here are my friends books for this week:
Ana Maria - http://unghiutelemele.blogspot.ro/
Diana - http://cherryqueendee.blogspot.ro/
Gabriela - http://paginidezisinoapte.blogspot.ro/ 

January 18, 2014

TPA : 18. Pin Up Nails

I do not have the talent to draw those pretty faces that represent the pin up era. :)
So I got inspired by a simple design.

And I made this design that I kinda like :)
The nail polish I used:

  1. Miss Sporty base coat
  2. Gabrini Multivitamin N14 - grey
  3. Gabrini Multivitamin 302 - white
  4. Rimmel London 60 Seconds - 315 Ready, Aim, Paint! - red
  5. Rimmel London 60 Seconds - 816 Green Eyed Monster - green
  6. Rimmel London 60 Seconds - 550 Major Brown - brown
  7. Gabrini 3D - 00 - top coat

Now, check out other pin up nails:
  1. Mihaela (Ela's Dreams) - http://elasdreams.blogspot.ro
  2. Oana - http://wanna-nails.blogspot.com
  3. Madalina - http://misshappyandhernails.blogspot.ro/
  4. Oana-http://unghiutele.blogspot.ro/
  5. Rita - http://addictedofbutterflies.wordpress.com/
  6. Ana Maria - http://unghiutelemele.blogspot.ro/
  7. Iulia - http://iuliabeldean.blogspot.ro/
  8. Ad- http://walkwithad.wordpress.com/ 

January 16, 2014

Pentru voi!

BOTW: Amanda Quick - O aventura de-o noapte / Second Sight

Ok, am scris aseara rezumatul acestei carti, dar se pare ca azi imi merg toate pe dos si nu mai am draftul... asa ca scriu din nou postarea.

Ok, so last night I wrote the review for this book, saved it and now I can't find it. So, I'm writing again.

"Aflată în dificultăți financiare, Venetia Milton este foarte încântată să fotografieze colecția de relicve și artefacte strânse de o organizație misterioasă, fondată cu două secole în urmă de un alchimist excentric. Considerând că-i este dat să rămână fată bătrână, ea profită de ocazie să petreacă o noapte de neuitat cu stăpânul colecției, Gabriel Jones, fiind apoi pregătită să-și continue viața, păstrând în amintire frumoasa aventură. La scurt timp însă, află șocată din ziare de moartea lui Gabriel, și, ca un omagiu pentru iubirea ei pasageră, Venetia își ia numele de „doamna Jones”. Ca văduvă respectabilă, ea își clădește o carieră de fotograf la Londra, devenind celebră pentru capacitatea de a „vedea” dincolo de simpla imagine și de a capta secretele pe peliculă. Însă toana ei romantică provoacă probleme neașteptate. În primul rând, domnul Jones reapare în viața ei, cât se poate de viu, iar legăturile dintre ei sunt mai puternice decât o simplă amintire pasională. Totodată, abilitățile Venetiei atrag atenția unui individ care ar recurge la orice, chiar și la crimă, pentru a intra în posesia unui secret străvechi, pierdut de secole. Acum, Venetia și Gabriel trebuie să dezlege misterul pentru a reuși să rămână în viață, transformând pasiunea lor în ceva mai mult de o aventură de-o noapte." - recenzia de pe spatele cartii.

"Because she is in financial difficulties , Venetia Milton is very excited to photograph the collection of relics and artifacts collected by a mysterious organization , founded two centuries ago by an eccentric alchemist . Considering that it be given to remain a virgin, she takes the opportunity to spend an unforgettable night with the master of the collection, Gabriel Jones. After that she will be ready to continue her life, keeping the memory of her beautiful adventure. Soon, however, the newspaper writes about the death of Gabriel, and as a tribute to her love, Venetia takes his name - " Mrs. Jones ". As a respectable widow, she builds a career as a photographer in London, becoming famous for the ability to "see" beyond the mere image and capture it on film . But her romantic whim causes unexpected problems. First, Mr. Jones reappears in her life, as alive as anyone can be and the links between them are more powerful than a passionate reminder. However, Venetia's skills attract an individual that would resort to anything, even murder, to take possession of the ancient secret lost for centuries. Now, Venetia and Gabriel must unravel the mystery to be able to stay alive, turning their passion into something more than a one-night affair."- the review written on the back of the book.

Eu as vrea sa mai adaug una-alta, cum altfel? Ce e foarte important de stiut e ca atat Gabriel, cat si Venetia au puteri paranormale. Interesant, nu? Si nici angajarea ei pentru fotografoerea relicvelor si artefactelor nu e o intamplare, pentru ca tatal lui Gabriel stia de abilitatile Venetiei si a fost sigur ca cei doi vor forma un cuplu pana la urma, asa ca...a luat lucrurile in propriile maini si i-a adus pe cei doi la un loc. Bineinteles, cu alt scop, nu acela de a-i cupla. Sneaky man!  :)

I would like to add some more details...what is important to know is that both Gabriel and Venetia have paranormal powers. Interesting, right? An her being hired to photograph the collection is not a pure coincidence, everything happened as the father of Gabriel planed. He knew that they would be a couple in the end :) Sneaky man! 

Cand au facut dragoste pentru prima data, Gabriel si-a dat seama tarziu ca Venetia era virgina si i-a promis ca data viitoare va fi asa cum trebuia sa fie, nu in graba. Ceva mai tarziu, doi hoti incearca sa fure un jurnal cu formula unui elixir care iti amplifica puterile paranormale si cufarul pe care era inscriptionat antidotul pentru acel elixir, fara de care formula te ucidea. Venetia a fost scoasa la timp de acolo, iar Gabriel si-a inscenat moartea. Din fericire sau nu, hotul care a scapat a furat doar jurnalul, lasand in urma cufarul. Dar ziua urmatoare, ziarele scriau ca el a murit. Trist, dar era un rau necesar, pentru ca persoana care a angajat hotii sa incerce sa fure cufarul din nou si Gabriel sa o prinda! Dupa ceva timp, Venetia isi face apariti in societate ca "doamna Jones", vaduva lui Gabriel. Si pentru ca era o tinta sigura, Gabriel "reinvie", spunand ca a scapat cu o amnezie si abia acum si-a adus aminte cine e. He's sneaky, like his dad!

After their first time together, Gabriel realized that she was a virgin and promised her that she would have the perfect time the next time they will make love. A few hours later, two thieves try to steal a chest and the diary with the secret formula, but one of them died so the only thing taken was the diary. The next day, the papers wrote that Mr. Jones is dead and Venetia, as a tribute to their love, took his name, so she became Mrs. Venetia Jones, the widow of Gabriel. Because there was the possibility that the man that hired the thieves go after Venetia, Gabriel decided to return, saying that he escaped death and had amnesia until a few days ago. Sneaky as his dad! 

Acum incepe partea pe care nu o prea pot explica fara sa ma balbai. Un coleg de-al Venetiei, fotograf, a fost angajat sa o spioneze pe aceasta, pentru a gasi cufarul sau cel putin pozele cufarului. Pentru ca nu a reusit, a fost ucis. Se pare ca ucigasul nu e la prima crima, el omorand un batran bogat, pentru a se deghiza ca el si a-i folosi banii pentru investigatii. Dar nu era singur, avea o iubita care a inceput sa o urasca pe Venetia. De ce? Pentru ca iubitul ei a inceput sa se indragosteasca de fotografa. A, am uitat sa mentionez ca si cei doi raufacatori au puteri paranormale...they are strange. OK, pana la urma tipul moare muscat de un sarpe in propriul sau laborator, in timp ce se lupta cu Venetia si Gabriel, iar iubita lui bea elixirul fara antidot, astfel incat, mai tarziu innebuneste si se sinucide. Si cam asta e tot. Dar oricum, am lasat multe scene pe din-afara, ca e foarte complicat de povestit ceva atat de detaliat. Dar va asigur ca daca cititi cartea, o sa intelegeti. Totul e explicat atat de frumos...

And now begins the tough part of the story, the part I cannot say without stuttering. One of Venetia's colleagues, a photographer, was hired to spy on her, to find out if she has the chest of pictures of the chest, because a secret formula was written on the lid. Because he didn't manage to do it, he got murdered. The killer had history in killings, the previous victim of his was an old man. He had a girlfriend that hated Venetia, because the killer liked her and wanted to make a move on her, but Gabriel returned at the same time. Oh, and the killer and his girlfriend had paranormal powers, too. Well, the bad guy dies bitten by his snake, while fighting with Gabriel and Venetia and his girlfriend drinks the potion that was supposed to enhance your powers, not knowing that it would kill her because the formula must be used with simultaneous with the antidote. So, she gets crazy and kills herself. :) And now, Venetia and Gabriel can live happily ever after. Note that I left many scenes untold, because something this complex cannot be shortened. But if you'll read the book, you'll understand everything.

Dupa cum v-am obisnuit, si Ana are o recenzie saptamana asta. Daca nu ati avut timp sau curaj sau mai stiu eu ce, ea va face un rezumat al trilogiei "Fifty Shades of Grey".
Dar ce nu stiti si e nou, e ca mai avem o impatimita a cartilor, Diana, care ni se alatura incepand de azi. Dar ea are alt stil, ea a scris azi despre un thriller - "Ucenicul".

January 11, 2014

TPA: 17 - Inspired by hippie nails

Hello and welcome back to another TPA group challenge theme.
This week we have hippie nails, so love is all around us. I’ll keep this post very short, because I’m trying very hard to make a short video/slideshow to put on YouTube. I have my account for a few years now, but I stopped putting up slideshows. I hope I’ll start this week.
So, my manicure for today is…

Oh, yeah…I tried making the same design but instead of using white as a base, I used clear nail polish…
… not what I needed. Still, here is the “design” Open-mouthed smile
I have some girls with pretty hippie manicures, just make sure to check them out:
  1. Mihaela (Ela's Dreams) - http://elasdreams.blogspot.ro/
PS: This year is a new start for me…and this blog-post is written in Windows Live Writer. Hope it turns out to look … good!
Kisses and see you soon! Smile with tongue out

January 9, 2014

BOTW: Maya Banks - Sweet Surrender

Hey...welcome back to the book of the week section :)
The last two weeks were book-less fir the blog, because: 1. we had the holidays and 2. because I am upset you don't comment :|
But, I'm stubborn, I have friends who PM/call me to say they loved the book, so I'm not giving up :)
This week I'm going to tell you about Maya Banks's book - Sweet Surrender. Another erotic book. Come on, don't be shy...we all know you are 18+ and like to read something ... different.

Grayson Montgomery is a police officer that investigates the killing of his partner, Alex. He thinks that the man who killed him is Eric Samuels, the boyfriend of Faith's mom, so he plans to get close to the girl and find everything he can about his whereabouts.
Faith is a woman that knows exactly what she wants: a man with initiative, I may say a dominant partner in life, but hadn't had the chance to meet him by now.
Gray gets a job in the same place as Faith, to keep an eye on her, in case that she knows or hears anything about Samuels. When Gray sees her, he noticed the innocent look she has and how pretty she is, and Faith sees him as a dominant and intimidating guy - in a good way. Because he keeps an eye on her permanently, he knows every single move she makes,so he knows about her visit to a sex club. The jealousy made him go after her and "save" her as she was dominated by one of the club's member. There they found out that they are made for each other. The sex was mind-blowing for both of them and at one point, Micah, a friend of both, gets involved in a three-some. More than half of the book is a description of their love making, because it's not the tough/rough kind of sex you might expect form a dominant partner and a slave. They have feelings for each other and make compromises for that. Later, we find that Samuels found Faith and Gray on their vacation, killed Alex's father and shot Gray. The women was not as hurt as she might have been because she found out that Gray got close to her for the wrong reasons, but because she was affraid that what they had was not real.
What do you think? Was everything real or he played her?

Check out Ana's book of the week too.

January 4, 2014

TPA: 16. Gansta nails

Hello, my loves!
I haven't wrote a post since last year, I haven't wrote about the holidays...but I'll get back at you with another post about my winter holiday.
Today is Saturday and as you know, we have the Polish Addict Group Challenge. We postponed the challenge for the holidays and now, we are back in business, baby.

For today we had gangster inspired nails. Because on the last day of 2013 one of my nails broke completely, I had to make all of them as short as I could. So this was nasty...I had little space to work on. And that made me sad...but I did some sort of manicure inspired by gangster chicks :)

I got my inspiration from this photo:

Check out the other gangster inspired nails:
1. Mihaela (Ela's Dreams) - http://elasdreams.blogspot.ro/