This is a special week. Today we welcome Andra in our group :) I think she will review books you'll feel attracted to!
Now let's move on and hopefully you'll forgive me for not posting last week. I definitely need a tablet. (Please, Easter Bunny, bring me one...especially that my birthday is on the same time as Easter this year!)
So, because I don't really have time to read from a book, I read on my computer. So if you like this book, you can ask me and I'll give it to you.
It's a romantic fairy-tale. With fairies. The kind with wings :)
Avem o saptamana speciala pentru ca astazi ii uram bun venit Andrei in grupul nostru :) Cred ca o sa faca recenzii pentru carti pe care sa le adorati.
Hai sa trecem mai departe si sa ma scuzati ca am fost invizibila joia trecuta. Am ajuns la concluzia ca am nevoie de o tableta si sper ca Iepurasul de Paste ma aude si imi aduce una, mai ales ca si ziua mea de nastere cade deodata cu Pastele anul acesta...asa ca no excuses, Iepurasule!
Si pentru ca nu prea am timp sa stau cu o carte in mana, mi-am scos un pdf si il citeam printre gatit, curatenie, munca si orice altceva care nu ma lasa sa stau linistita. :)
Astazi avem o recenzie cu zane. Zane cu aripi...gen Tinker-Bell. :)
So, we have Princess Nia, whose parents arranged her marriage with mayor Shamus O'Neill. She had the impression that the man she had to marry is an old man, but fortunately he's not. The O'Neill she has to wed is a young man, handsome and smart. They met a few days before the wedding and discovered that they have common friends. After the wedding, Nia and Shamus slept in different rooms, not only different beds. Even-though Shay loved his wife, he didn't mean to be rude and force her to anything. The fact that Nia wanted to give it a try and start to love him, proved that she was a good girl...now let's face it...this can happen only in fairy tales. She went everywhere with her husband and tried to help him with everything she could. She even asked one of her friends to help when the water was poisoned and animals stopped drinking it...because somehow, the animals knew the water was poisoned... :| - fairy tales. She started caring more and more for Shay and by doing simple things with him - like helping him shave or him helping her brush her hair, she started falling for him. In the end, they where happy and in love.
It's true, it's not something that wow's you, but it's a good read if you want to change the scenery.
Asadar, o avem pe printesa Nia, ai carei parinti i-au aranjat casatoria cu primarul Shamus O'Neill. Din cate isi aducea aminte, acesta era un batranel nu prea simpatic, dar spre fericirea ei - cat se putea, a avut norocul sa fie vorba de un nepot al acestuia, un tanar frumos si destept. S-au intalnit cu cateva zile inainte de nunta si si-au dat seama ca au si cativa prieteni comuni. Timpul a trecut, a trecut si nunta si cei doi s-au mutat impreuna, dar dormeau in paturi si camere separate, pentru ca Shay nu voia sa o forteze pe Nia sa il acceepte in patul ei, chiar daca acesta era indragostit de ea. Printesa a facut tot ce i-a stat in puteri sa se indragosteasca de Shay si i-a reusit ... sincer, povesti cu zane. :| L-a insotit pe sotul ei peste tot si a facut tot posibilul sa il ajute cu ce putea, si-a rugat o prietena sa ii ajute atunci cand si-au dat seama ca un rau din care beau animalele apa a fost otravit. Incet, incet, Nia a inceput sa se indragosteasca de Shay - faptul il ajuta sa se rada dimineata sau ca el ii pieptana parul i-a unit pe cei doi din ce in ce mai mult. Pana la urma, au ajuns sa se iubesca reciproc.
Nu e o lectura care sa te dea pe spate, dar e un fel de poveste care iti aduce aminte de copilarie si de basme. E o poveste de citit cand vrei sa schimbi registrul. :)
Now check other books:
Ana Maria - http://unghiutelemele.blogspot.ro/
Andra - http://bibliopheelings.blogspot.ro/
Diana - http://cherryqueendee.blogspot.ro/
Gabriela - http://paginidezisinoapte.blogspot.ro/
cred ca e tare draguta.. mie imi place acest gen :)
daca o vrei, o am PDF. a fost ciudata pana mi-am dat seama ca e un fel de basm...si este o povestioara foarte frumoasa cu numele ei si de ce are ea aripi :)
DeleteMultumesc pentru primire! :P
ReplyDeleteCartea pare interesanta, n-am mai auzit de ea pana acum. Nu te oboseste cititul la calculator?
Cu mult drag, Andra. Nu ma oboseste, dar nu e la fel de relaxand ca si atunci cand stai in pat, cu o carte in mana... :)