July 22, 2013

Photo Diary - week 10

Luni / Monday 15.07

Mi-am inceput saptamana cu ceva dulce...cu inghetata de vanilie pe care mi-a cumparat-o iubi duminica seara si am continuat ziua cu ojele noi. :)
I've started my week with something sweet...with the vanilla ice cream my hubby bought me Sunday evening and continued the day showing you my new nail polishes. :) 

Marti/Tuesday 16.07
Am facut conopida cu maioneza...din nou. Si am mancat o felie de conopida cu rosii din sera. Iar ca desert, am avut pufuleti cu surprize ... si am gastigat un aparat foto cu poze din jungla. :) Apoi, v-am prezentat ojele de luni intr-o manichiura bling bling.
I made cauliflower with mayonnaise ... again. And I ate a slice of bread covered with the paste with tomatoes from our greenhouse. As a desert, I had  puffs with surprises ... I won a camera with jungle photos. :) And then I made a bling bling manicure with my new polishes.

Miercuri/Wednesday 17.07
Miercuri s-au implinit 8 ani de cand eu si iubi meu suntem impreuna :) si am sarbatorit cu crema de zahar ars. Nu am facut mare petrecere, pentru ca intr-o luna si o zi sarbatorim un an de casnicie si nu vrem sa ii obisnuim pe ai nostri cu multe petreceri, ca vorba aia, ajungem la sapa de lemn :)) Si cum nu se poate sa fac ceva in cuptor, m-am ars la deget :(. Si pentru ca a fost miercuri, inseamna ca a fost si colaborarea cu ojele neincercate. - Orange cupcakes and chocolate.
Wednesday, me and my hubby celebrated 8 years of relationship :) and I made crème brûlée. We didn't have a great party, because in one month and one day we'll celebrate one year of marriage and we don't wanna get our friends and family used with parties, because we'll get broke.... Because every time I bake something, this time I burned my finger tip. :( On Wednesday we had the untried polish challenge as well. - Orange cupcakes and chocolate  

Joi/Thursday 18.07
Mi-am inceput ziua cu micul dejun ... o rosie de 352 grame din sera. :) (stiu sigur cat avea ca am cantarit-o in sera). Zemoasa si carnoasa...ca rosiile de pe vremurile cand puneau bunicile in gradina :)
Si pentru ca aveam chef de un tag, am facut the Rainbow Tag :)
Iar dupa-masa, m-am dus la mama acasa si i-am facut si fratelui meu o portie de zahar ars, ca mi-e drag si il iubesc si pe el...ca el era ala care fugea dupa mine sa ma bata ca nu ma jucam cu el, ca ma jucam cu papusile :))
I started my day with breakfast ... a 352 grams tomato from our green house ( I weighted it, so I know for sure how heavy it was) It was juicy and pulpy ... like the old time tomatoes :)
And because I felt like doing a tag, I made the Rainbow Tag  :)
In the afternoon, I went at my mom's and made my brother some crème brûlée, because I like him and I love him...because he was the one that chased me to kick me because I was playing with my dolls and not with him. :))

Vineri/Friday 19.07

La micul dejun am avut iar legume din sera- de data asta am avut si castraveti cornichon si branza topita. Atat cu mancarea - pozata, pe ziua de azi. Am fost insa harnica si am facut postarea la care Georgia ne-a provocat...top 20 oje preferate. Ce crede ea, ca mie imi e greu sa aleg? neah! Si in amintirea lui Talia Joy, am postat si o manichiura - de fapt, swatch, a unei oje mint. RIP, little Talia!
At breakfast I had again veggies from the green house, this time cucumbers - cornichons and cheese. That's about all the photographed food for today. I was a good girl and made a blog post in reply to Georgia's challenge ... top 20 favorite nail polishes. What was she thinking? That I'll be put in difficulty and couldn't choose? neah! And to remember Talia Joy, I made a mani - a swatch in fact, of a mint nail polish. RIP, little Talia!

Sambata/Saturday  20.07
Dimineata mi-am inceput-o cu morcovi fierti, si asta pentru ca mama soacra facea supa de taitei si imi scoate mie toti morcovii din supa si ii mananc goi. :) Apoi m-am dus iar la mama si la fratele meu, pentru ca imi place la nebuie sa ii vizitez, tinand cont ca stau la 5 minute de mers pe jos de mine. Si cand am plecat spre ei, mi-am zis ca daca tot ma duc, poate ma ajuta ei cu o idee pentru manichiura de miercurea viitoare, cu cea mai scumpa oja neincercata. Asa am luat cu mine vreo 2 oje si mi-am mai cumparat inca 2 de la magazinul de langa blocul mamei. Oh, si cand le-a vazut fratele meu, s-a apucat de arhitectura... :)) Nu a durat 2 minute dupa ce am plecat de le ei, ca m-a lovit o stare de tristete, depresie...nu stiu exact ce...si am avut chef sa scriu. Asa ca am inaugarat o noua categorie, Dear Diary, pe care insa nu o voi share-ui, o voi scrie si daca dati de ea bine, daca nu, nu.
I started the morning with boiled carrots because my mother-in-law made noodles soup and after the carrots are boiled, she gets them out of the soup and gives them to me. :) Then I went to see my mom and my brother - I have to walk to them about 5 minutes. And I said that I should take the most expensive untried nail polish to them - and I bought some more, so that they can help me with an idea for the manicure due to next Wednesday. Oh, when my brother saw the nail polishes, he got creative... :)) It didn't take 2 minutes since I left my mom's and I got in  a state of sadness, depression...I'm not sure what it was...and I got in the mood of writing. So I made a new section on my blog, Dear Diary. The posts won't be shared.

Duminica/ Sunday 21.07

Toata ziua am avut starea de sambata dupa masa, asa ca am stat toata ziua in pijamalele mele cu pantera roz si m-am uitat la filmele de care mi-a zis fratele meu cu o zi in urma. The Illusionist si The Prestige, ambele din 2006, filme care la momentul acele nu m-au atras, ambele filme sunt minunate!
All day long I had the same sad state of mind I had a day before, so I stayed in my Pink Panther pajamas and watched 2 movies my brother watched recently.  The Illusionist and The Prestige, both from 2006, movies that at the time being, didn't attract me, both movies are amazing!

Pana data viitoare, va pupacesc! :)
Until next time, kisses! 


  1. sa faci un swatch la ojele noi :d

