July 31, 2013

The ugly nail polish

Postarea asta ... e trista :( Pentru ca azi va prezint cea mai urata oja a mea. In sticluta e frumoasa, e un fel de alb, dar nu e opac si are niste particule argintii. Ca nuanta e frumoasa, dar ce e urat la oja asta e ca trebuie sa dai vreo 4 straturi sa nu fie cu linii si se sterge extraordinar de greu. Sclipiciul ala se lipeste de cuticule, de degete, peste tot ai sclipici.
PS: am inceput sa scriu postarea asta de azi dimineata, dar m-am tot ridicat de la calculator...asa ca, I'm sorry for being late. Va spun maine de ce m-am tot intrerupt. :)

This blog post is sad. :( Because today is the day I'm introducing you my ugliest nail polish. In the bottle it's very pretty, it'a a shade of white, but not opaque and has some silver particles. The shade is pretty, but the ugliness comes from the stripy finish and the 4 layers of polish to become like in the bottle- and it dries in about 1 hour. :| When you want to get the polish off, you must struggle with it- the glitter gets on your cuticles, your fingers, everywhere.
PS: I started this blog post this morning, but I wasn't able to finish it, because I had so much work to do outside. Details, tomorrow! :)

Am avut si 2 tentative de design...
I had 2 attempts for a design...

Treceti si pe la prietenele mele, sa vedeti si ojele lor...ca nu doar eu am o oja urata! :)
Go to my friends as well, because I'm not the only one with an ugly nail polish! :)
  1. Anca - http://o-fata-simpla.blogspot.ro/
  2. Cleo - http://frumuseteacleopatrei.blogspot.ro/
  3. Madalina - http://misshappyandhernails.blogspot.ro/
  4. Andreea M. - http://www.summer-gold.com
  5. Andra- http://andrakat.wordpress.com
  6. NailGlaze - http://www.nailglaze.com
  7. Alisa -> http://btl-allysa.blogspot.ro/
  8. Josephine - http://rainbowsinajar.blogspot.ro
  9. Mihaela - http://lacquerbuzz.com
  10. Ana Maria - http://unghiutelemele.blogspot.ro/
  11. Iulia - http://the-colorful-world-of-iulia.blogspot.ro/
  12. 13. Georgia - http://giamakeup.blogspot.ro
  13. Illy-http://nails-and-more.blogspot.ro/
  14. Cris-http://crissscri.blogspot.ro
  15. Ana's Beauty Blog - http://ana-s-beautyblog.blogspot.ro/
  16. Andra (Sophie) - http://sophiesnailartdreamland.blogspot.ro

Pana data viitoare, va pup!
Until next time, kisses!


  1. Replies
    1. Multumesc...ala mai salveaza putin toata treaba :))

  2. E un fel de oja din aia alba sidefata care nu e deloc opaca...nu prea imi plac

  3. Am avut si eu probleme cu o oja de la natty si de atunci am ocolit firma asta. Ce am avut eu se stergea in 2 zile de pe unghii...
    Al 2-lea model e dragut foc :)

    1. Am si eu cateva de la Naty, dar parca si eu le ocolesc atunci cand trebuie sa-mi fac manichiura. Parca se usuca foarte greu. :(
