July 25, 2013

UPC - Most expensive

A venit randul unei noi postari in cadrul colaborarii cu ojele noastre neincercate...si acum trebuie sa v-o prezentam pe cea mai scumpa.
It's time for another post...now it's our most expensive untried nail polish.

La momentul in care s-a inceput colaborarea, oja asta crackle era cea mai scumpa aja cumparata de mine si neincercata. Intre timp, mi-am cumparat ojele GR Jolly Jewels care sunt ceva mai scumpe, dar pe care vi le-am aratat, asa ca am ramas la oja pe care am planificat-o de la bun inceput.
When the collaboration started, this crackle nail polish was the most expensive untried polish I had in my stash. Meanwhile I bought the GR Jolly Jewels - which are a little bit more expensive, but I have made manicures with them, so I'm sticking to my crackle polish.

Inchei postarea cu scuzele de rigoare pentru intarziere si pentru stangacia cu care am facut o tenativa de half-moon manicure. :)
Va pup, Iulia!

I salute you and apologize for the delay - this post should have been up on Wednesday; and for the (un)successful  half-moon manicure.
Kisses, Iulia!


  1. mi-ai facut pofta de unghii crapacioasee <3 sunt super :D

    1. muhahahahah....sa vad ce-ti iesi...ca sigur faci un combo mai fancy ca al meu... :))

  2. Imi place cum arata combinatia. :D
