July 18, 2013

Rainbow tag

Hello, lovelies!

Zilele trecute, cred ca mai exact marti, am dat peste un tag dragut pe blogul Sun after Storm. Am mai auzit de el pe blogosfera si pe YouTube, dar nu prea m-a atras. Dar saptamana asta, am facut click. :) Asa ca va invit sa vedeti ce iubesc eu in culorile curcubeului.

These last days, I think it was Tuesday, I saw a pretty tag on Sun after Storm's blog. I've heard about it on several blogs and on YouTube, but I was not attracted to it. But this week, we clicked. :) So, if you wanna know what are the products in rainbow colors that I love, keep reading.


Fara el, as fi desfigurata de tantari. Se aplica foarte usor, miroase superb si are o actiune indelungata. E foarte bun.
Without it, I'd be like a monster because of the mosquito. You can apply it very easy, it smells amazing and is active for a long time. It's very good.


Stiu ca rozul nu face neaparat parte din curcubeu, am cateva chestii roz pe care le ador. Gelul de dus cu miros de trandafir de la Yves Rocher si ceasul meu cu Hello Kitty, pe care l-am primit de la doi prieteni foarte dragi mie, de ziua mea.
I know pink isn't exactly a color of the rainbow, but I have a couple of pink items I like. A shower gel from Yves Rocher and my Hello Kitty watch, which was a gift from two very good friends, on my birthday.


Oja mea veche de....mult timp. :) Medusa mea mata, cu finish de cauciuc. :) V-am aratat swatch aici
My old nail polish. :) My matte Medusa, with a rubber finish. :) I've showed you a swatch here


Geanta asta am cumparat-o acum multi ani de la AVON, impreuna cu portofelul din set. Imi plac atat de mult, incat uneori imi asortez hainele cu geanta si nu invers. :D
I bought this bag and wallet a few years ago, from AVON. I love them so much, that sometimes I pick my clothes to match the bag, not the other way around. :D


Bratara asta am cumparat-o cu 5 RON. E verde si are libelule. E minunata!
This bracelet was 5 RON. It's green and has fireflies. It's amazing!


Gelul de curatare pentru fata l-am cumparat prin februarie, dar am inceput sa il folosesc abia acum 2 luni. Face minuni pentru tenul meu si sigur o sa il mai cumpar.
This face wash gel I bought in February, but I started using it about 2 months ago. It makes wonders for my face and I'll buy it again.


Oja asta e pur si simplu bestiala. Nu credeam ca o sa imi placa atat de mult ojele mate, dar le ador, le iubesc de-a dreptul. Pe asta o sa o vedeti si maine in postarea cu cele 20 de oje preferate.
This nail polish is simply stunning. I had no idea that I'll love the matte nail polishes as much as I do. This one will be in tomorrows post about the 20 favorite nail polishes.

Daca ati facut tag-ul, va rog sa imi lasti un link intr-un comentariu cu postarea vostra. Daca nu l-ati facut, va rog sa il preluati si sa imi spuneti cand e gata. 
If you've done the tag, leave the link of the post in a comment. If you haven't, please fell free to tag yourself and let me know when it's done.

Va pup si ne auzim maine!
O seara placuta sa aveti.

Kisses and I'll see you tomorrow!
Have a great evening.


  1. Multumesc ca m-ai mentionat :*
    Imi plac ojele, iar bratarica si ceasul sunt foarte simpatice :)

    1. eh, n-ai pentru ce. oricum, mi se pare normal sa te mentionez, pentru ca la tine l-am vazut si am facut click. :)
